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Everything posted by Freeker

  1. Just saw this on Pollstar. Jurassic 5 Fri 11/10/06 Capital Music Hall
  2. I have had mine sitting in a box and ready to be mailed since Dec. of last year. But unfortuantly was trapped at my ex-grilfriends house for almost 8 months. Now that I have it back I'll send it out...I am so sorry FariSari. NOW as for my gift that never showed up...
  3. Faaaaaack Yoooou, nobody likes moe. PS - Take me with you.
  4. It is totally selfish I completely agree. I'm sick of my favorite bands falling apart and I want that to stop happening. I guess I'm a selfish fairy now huh? I realize theat it can't be easy for them with Marc so far away and that picking a handful of songs that they have down so they can gig at a moments notice is probably the best idea since they don't have the option of practicing. But when you see them on stage, it seems like they don't even care anymore, and if the try bringing that apathy on MMJ tour, MMJ's fans will just show them the door. Did someone say fairy? sorry bro had to be done. Now back to my hiatus of giving my opinion on here, its too much like giving a "Dog in a Bathtub".
  5. Call me what you want, I am right. The setlist game? What the hell does that even mean. My point is that they no longer embody the spirit of spontanity and creativity they used to, I don't give a shit about song stats. I give a shit that "Children of Decemember leads into I hate Love", "oh they played Even Rats tonight I guess that means no Mudslide or no Fuji". Its turning into predicatable bullshit. Punk you of all people should know what I'm talking about. The Slip isn't in the buisiness of blowning minds anymore, sure they still play flawlessly and its great to be in their presence, but its not the fucking magic it used to be...And if you can't agree with that then you either haven't seen then lately, don't have a clue, or were to busy sucking their cocks to hear what was going on. Now change my subtitle back Bouche if thats the only arrguement you have then that pretty much proves my point.
  6. Mike if you actually went to see them more maybe you'd know what I'm talking about. My point is well documented first hand. You don't need to see them every night to know whats going on, its been going on for a while. In the last 2 years the 5-6 shows that I've seen, the pattern keeps repeating itself so much so that i have a new game of predicting what the next song will be with scary accuaracy based soley on what the haven't played yet that night. It sucks. Don't get me wrong I love the Slip more than almost anyone I just refuse to fluff them when they are doing something wrong.
  7. Yeah Blane The Happy Snails was the only part of that set that made me smile. But even then it seems they leave a spot on their setlist every night for one "random great song we never play" then its right back into the sctick, god forbid they'd play two.
  8. Agreed. I remember the days you'd go to a Slip show and anything could happen, the anticipation of the countless possiblities before any show was one of the best parts of the Slip. Now you know that the exact same songs are coming out night after night, played brilliantly of course but lacking in imagination. I guess with Marc so far away these are just the songs they've got nailed down and can whip out at a a moments notice, fine for the casual or new fan but for those that like seeing them and have seen them repeatedly its dull and uninspired. I'm all about the Slip getting huge and making it in the biz but not like this. And Brad needs to cut out the damn singing lessons, go back to dying onstage for us like you used to, no one wants a polished voice. AND WHERE THE FUCK IS MY ALSOA!?!?
  9. They don't deserve turnouts with these cookie cutter setlists. They never going to make it big if they keep phoning it in, thats the same damn setlist they been abusing for the last two years. Bring backthe old Slip, the one that used to try!!!
  10. Thank you Heather. Having new neighbors sure does have its benefits.
  11. Well I'm almost back up and running. But I can't reinstall winxp off the disk i have becasue its too smudged. So if anyone in the Ottawa downtown area has an XP disk i could borow for a couple hours I'd really appreciate it. PS - I have my own key
  12. Here's a quick review . It was an awesome show, amesome venue, shitty packed non dancing crowd, except for us. Else was great as were Distopian, Going Agaist your Mind, Sidewalk, Zero, Conventional Wisdom, Randy and BROKEN CHAIRS WAS HUGE! My only complaints besides the bullshit poser crowd were. They had technical problems with their video presentation. That made them start snd stop too often and when they did get it working it was the most irrtating thing i'd ever seen, no one liked it and it was a big waste of time. I was almost positive it was done to the tune of their song "Built to Spill" replacing the vocals with this bullshit rant on war and society which, if it was, really sucked casue i love that song. They didn't interact with the audience at all. Barely any communication with us but who can blame them the crowd sucked. Here's something cool i found out. Rumor has it they are planning an all Canadian tour that would last 3 weeks coming up summer 2007!! I can't wait!
  13. Ya I'm fucked. Sitting here at OEm right now as they install my new processor and MoBo. What a shitty day.
  14. Go uTorrent all the way. I just recently switched after years of using ABC and am loving it. Also i recommend http://www.dbpoweramp.com/ for all of your converting need.
  15. Ya I'd say my PSU is toast but I tried too different power supplies 1st one = turned on burning platic smell started 2nd one - Just turns on the fans, no lights no boot up
  16. So i put in another power supply, this time no smell. it turns on, well the fans anyway, doesn't boot at all however. SO now I'm thinking MoBo. Andre where are you when i need you?
  17. Lately its been harder and harder to turn it on, takes longer each time and the power supply was intermitently making a lot of noises. So I woke up today to find my computer off after I left it on all night. Tried to turn it on nothing, fliped the switch on the back off and on, hit the power button and it came on for a split second and stopped. Did that a couple of times then tried hooking Dave's power supply into my computer. It turned on but a strong burning smell started so we shut it off. Can anyone offer any advice.
  18. Band of Horses - Everything All the Time Darkel - Darkel The Whitest Boy Alive - Dreams Loose Fur - Born Again In The USA Metric - Grow Up And Blow Away
  19. Sunday night in Burlington, I can't wait!!!
  20. You've lost it pal. I've had this avatar all week. Lately your sad attempts at copying my style is making you look, well....sad. Maybe you need a hobby or something. And another thing stop going through my garbage and peeking in my windows. Here i got you one that is more your style
  21. from Billybragg.co.uk Another hell of a show, as always. When he went off on his patter, I took a few notes, and filled in with what I could remember. Keep in mind I was close to the front of the stage, so I didn't pick up the sound from the speakers directly, so if I get a word or two wrong about the patter, please feel free to correct me. --To Have and To Have Not --(his special tea, containing rose hips and goat pheremones; he then went on about male goats' mating habits, which became a running joke throughout his set) --NPWA --A Lover Sings --(jamesbluntisa .com/jacket/Simon & Garfunkel & Englishness) --John Barleycorn/England, Half English --(stage diving) --Farm Boy --Like Soldiers Do (quiet version with new verse) --(don't follow the U.S. into war) --Greetings to the New Brunette --The Tatler --(voice blowout at SXSW/Johnny Clash voice) --Folsom Pinball Blues (excerpt; I think somebody told him about Lucky Ron, a local country singer who sings the Who's "Pinball Wizard" to the music of Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues") --(goat-piss-face succubus) --Old Clash Fan Fight Song The rap after this had Bill discovering what a lot of the rest of us have already discovered: Entertaining garbage on the internet. He reported that more people are watching YouTube than MTV nowadays, and talked about his favourite animal videos at length: --Hamster eating a biscuit bigger than itself, filmed from below, pausing to make a couple of noises before scarfing away again (there's tons of hamster vids here, and I can't be bothered to search them all on dialup; if you find it, please post the link) --Muffy the cat vs. ceiling fan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgEbQ7w2gdk) --Talking Cats (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqGwNPquriE)--The last cat freaked him out and apparently gave his son nightmares. Back to the music: --The Saturday Boy (whistles the first trumpet solo; has the audience imagine the second one and throws in a guitar flourish) --(Cynicism is the enemy) --I Keep Faith --The World Turned Upside Down --(lighters vs. cell phones) --Ontario, Quebec & Me --Waiting For the Great Leap Forward (more shifting lyrics) Encore: --Eisler On the Go --(about Hans Eisler) --Black Wind --(about Leadbelly) --Bush War Blues Encore 2: --The Milkman of Human Kindness --Sexuality (when he got to "Stop playing with yourselves," he switched it to "Stop pissing in your face," in reference to the goats, and then laughed so damn hard that he couldn't finish the song properly, but did get to the mic to sing the word "bestiality" before breaking up again) --A New England (and man, did the crowd ever sing along to this one) It was awesome.
  22. Freeker

    Vibes for Taj

    Get well soon brother, the house isn't the same without you. Remember go easy on the push button dope, save me some would ya. We'll come visit this weekend.
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