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Everything posted by \/\/illy

  1. I totally agree: AWESOME BAND. They were killer live when I saw them late night at Bonnaroo too! Certainly not 'easy listening' music. It definitely falls into my 'right time and right place' category.
  2. I didn't think it possible but is CD2 actually worse than CD1 was!? My god. What a waste of bits. If only Thom would pull the needle out of his arm long enough to realize how bad his music is. SHUDDER
  3. Do you live in Ottawa now?
  4. 92 actually. Boy do I wish I could make this show. Sure to be amazing.
  5. [color:purple]Viva Harper! How about starting one of those web-sites where all of us Canadians can post pictures of ourselves holding signs that say, "I'm sorry."
  6. He's definitely the guy I recall on the kit the most, but that wasn't my point. Craig Lapsley is one of the best drummers I've had the pleasure to see play live. The man is incredible. Killer band though! Tony rocks on the drums too!
  7. WICKED!!! Always preferred Craig Lapsley on the kit though.
  8. Anyone have any idea where I could land a fresh goose in Hamilton? I'm planning on cooking up an old-school holiday dinner this year.
  9. I can't make it myself but I hear that Friends of Heffner are playing Two Doors Down in Brantford tonight with special guests Jeff Heisholt and Mark Crissinger. Friends of Heffner are the bomb. Special guests are even more special! PARTY!
  10. Absolutely. What O/S are you running?
  11. I love that river. Had many a good swim in there. However, what's that got to do with anything? Maybe an acoustic Caution Jam show in my dining room. I wonder what I'd have to charge at the door to make it worth it to them?
  12. So has my dog. Rawlf! PS: Great to see you Saturday night!
  13. Sorry to hear that this show has been cancelled. Can anyone suggest another venue that might be interested?
  14. WOW!!! Congratulations dude!!
  15. Is that really an appropriate way to talk?
  16. Well, if you're looking for ideas, you could setup, hit record, and ask Doug to watch it for you. Then hit up The Casbah and boogie your ass off! Well, I hope everyone has fun no matter what they do that night!
  17. An excellent thought! Had I been concerned with being nice, that would have been a great approach! You see, I'm mad at Sharon because I didn't see her Saturday night.
  18. I've never understood it but people sure seem to have fun watching that team lose again and again. My prediction is that the other team will win! (It doesn't really matter who the other team is.)
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