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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. i'm looking forward to november 8th at the media club here in vancouver.
  2. well you obviously haven't met me in real life sugarmag. I appreciate your sensitivity and care for the scene you back up. as for your 'term' which is actually more of a saying or an addage than a term, you should follow your advice. hope to meet you someday though, all things considered.
  3. i would but i just got my mac mini last night for $425 from a guy i found on craigslist. with monitor. can't wait to get online, but it'll be awhile. any other programs I should check out?
  4. how about NYE '01?? Fredericton - some of us made it out to party with hundreds of fresh ears to party with the bus. not as career defining, but definitely a taste of years to come.
  5. wouldn't it be great for the property to stay in the hands of those that don't care for big money raping our city?
  6. I'm more annoyed that the UN isn't doing anyhting about the rest of the world having nukes I take it the bomb that N.Korea detonated wasn't very latge compared to the ones that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki it's all about disturbing shit.
  7. I suppose I just expect more volume. It seems that Good ol' StoneMtn posts more than everybody combined but you're right about the conversation stopper. wait - what do you know? shut the hell up
  8. Absolutely. And I think the bonfire site might have a messageboard of its own. Really though I hope this site gets more popular. I love the site design. It's definitely an amazing place to post/read, even though this forum isn't where the action is. I'm merely stirring the pot. It's not me that threw in the flavours and cooked down the odours.
  9. ooh...my saturday plans are almost firmed up. too bad they're not playing tonight in vancouver
  10. i thought you were speaking generally. i am no counsellor but I'd break it up for you nice and fine if your problem is with the chunks.
  11. i was looking forward to a few other shows, but now i've forgotten about them. what were they - other than the dylan show I'll be missing?
  12. Looks like I finally have some shows here that will get my ass off the couch.
  13. Thanks for finally getting things moving, however...look what I stumbled across today online " Just wondering? I posted earlier about free Herbaliser tickets with the purchase of a Breakfast ticket, but my string seems to have been deleted. I got a response from Scoobie (well met, and thank you). Do posts on this message board have a shelf life? Or did I say something wrong? Don't want to ruffle any feathers. I wish to meet new freaky folks in the hood, figuring this would be a great forum to do it. But if my posts dissappear, the likelihood of this happening seems to be diminished."
  14. Looks like there are fine things brewing. i found this on the upstream board and was appalled to see that posts that have no offensive content are still being deleted. " Just wondering? I posted earlier about free Herbaliser tickets with the purchase of a Breakfast ticket, but my string seems to have been deleted. I got a response from Scoobie (well met, and thank you). Do posts on this message board have a shelf life? Or did I say something wrong? Don't want to ruffle any feathers. I wish to meet new freaky folks in the hood, figuring this would be a great forum to do it. But if my posts dissappear, the likelihood of this happening seems to be diminished." Too bad the west coast heads are specifically looking to not ruffle feathers. It's not my intention but it's really unfortunate to see that kind of thing happening. Looking forward to some good times this season! Hope there aren't any hard feelings.
  15. heard the show on cassette while hanging around with giggles waaay back. the last small phish show... it sounded pretty magical at the time. I've since heard bigger shows that bit the big one for me so go looking for it. wish i were into them at the time.
  16. oh, and cute signature. I'm not patient enough for a dog. I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with my life...i hope it's not just the dog thing cause i'll probably never solve it that way. give franti a treat for me if you think she'd know the difference.
  17. well if you look at the lineup it's difficult, but the masses are jam/livetronic, five alarm funk are just that (hard hitting funk) and the herbaliser can be labelled trip hop but it's a live band backing a burlesque show. with a DJ it's at the plaza of nations and i hear it'll be an early show. i think that if you're weighing out options purely on lineup in vancouver, the breakfast loses (when did they play here last? never? sometime?) but if you're in for a jammy night, these guys won a jammy. i hope it's an early night at the plaza so i can go to that show. i already have my tix for the breakfast.
  18. or you could go to check out the breakfast at the fairview. big or little show? funk or jam? what do you choose?
  19. huh? i'm suprised that people DON'T use this board out here, stoney. I appreciate the shows that Derek brings to Vancouver but the upstream board isn't nearly as nice - mostly because it's ezboard, and derek is focused on being a promoter. I hope that keither puts up a site though. I've gone to way more bonfire shows than upstream gigs. As far as the Jam Scene in vancouver's moving, I haven't really seen anybody supporting the talent that's building the scene up from the ground level other than keither. I'm glad that there's finally some competition in Van. I'm looking forward to the breakfast and pnuma trio...as well as the NFTT&Slowcoaster show. Not too much else is on my plate. i'm too broke to see much else and i'm glad i already got my tix for the breakfast and halloween shows. too bad i'll miss dylan.
  20. 'As far as that Andy Mahoney or whatever the fag's name is - fuÇk him; he's too cool for school and so 'indie' it hurts. ' i remember him showing up to a bunch of jammy shows when i was back in london. so what if he's into a scene. if anybody's gonna fuck him it's his cute young girlfriend. either way this whole thing seems silly. prima donnas. they waste our time.
  21. move on?? i moved on to the crap about Magoffin's girlfriend. i agree with said sentiments re: smashing a fine CD...why not give it away instead? anyhow, yes. i got 'yelled at' for essentially thinking someone older than me should grow up which removes any sort of realistic clout from the argument.
  22. 'Magoffin's got cred but I can't quite get over how he's dating (or at least was) Jenny from Barmitzvah Brothers (she's 20 he's 40ish). I can see the match for sure. I want to do high school girls from time to time to. ' you can't say you're never petty. anyhow, andy's done a lot for the scene, helping bands put out some great records. he's no laswell but never claims any fame either. but gossip brings you much more respect than you're already getting outside this board doesn't it...
  23. as if you're serious. that's a price you have to pay for growing outside. pout all you want. it ain't gonna get you your herb back dude. find a secure spot next year.
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