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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. SaggyBalls


    Natural selection. I'm mostly for it.
  2. Hilarious that Coulter calls her a 'quick study' while it really seems like she NEEDS TO study.
  3. I thought you might have been talking about way worse stuff than that...but that's still pretty petty. Is it really an east-coast phenomenon? Nice Terence McKenna sig.
  4. SaggyBalls


    that's a fair choice for the retard that did donuts with people around. wintery nights with no people or cars around? If that was the case - nobody else was around, why would that kid be anywhere near a spinning car?
  5. SaggyBalls


    how is doing donuts hurting anyone?
  6. SaggyBalls


    These are stunt driver restrictions?? - intentionally causing any tire to lose traction while turning Donuts/drifting - having the intention of causing a vehicle to spin donuts - driving with someone in the trunk This is stunt driving?? - driving a vehicle in oncoming lanes next to another vehicle longer than is "reasonably" required to pass - driving in a way that prevents others from passing - slowing down with the intention of slowing or interfering with another vehicle I don't see how these are 'stunts', aside from the donuts. So if I'm spinning donuts in a parking lot, am I subject to my car being impounded and $10k in fines?
  7. I wouldn't say it's BASIC human decency. if it were BASIC human decency then there are probably bigger fish to fry with Ann Coulter. How is it up to her and not up to the CBS' producers to understand that when getting her on TV?
  8. She doesn't shout people down, she has lengthy arguments that people always interrupt...She does talk over people but she's a loudmouth. she wasn't shouting... If you're talking about discussions on TV News programs and networks, then you should probably stop talking about genuine inquiry and argument right now cause we both know that's not the point...unless, of course, you're talking about the CBC. That's at least closer than CBS and CNN. Much of what Coulter's arguments revolve around are sound and are generally challenging to the 'status quo' while her arguments seem to really want to support the status quo...the former being approach to, and the latter being the content/quality. While it shouldn't need to be harped on about, it is true that a voter expects a governor to be resigned to being in office, not leaving office. Coulter's commentary that dismisses that, with the demand that we move on to other realities and not discussion already widely accepted, acknowledged, and admitted values, serves to get Bay Buchanan flustered. It is kinda funny that she kept on interrupting Buchanan to correct her but it's also rude and aggressive...it sells books. Frum just sits back and waits his turn unlike Buchanan who just barks in to try to rudely interrupt. He gets a great last word (of the clip) and leaves me impressed. I don't side with most of what Coulter says, but whenever I see her in an interview and not a stupid TV News spot I always feel rather impressed at a media figure that seems to be bent on being politically incorrect. If nobody challenges us to think differently (in many ways) then we never will.
  9. short soundbyte discussions are awful.
  10. I love Ann Coulter. the 'liberal' counterpoints never counter effectively. People need to lighten the fuck up to take her down a notch. She pushes buttons and nobody actually talks with her. Once somebody does then it'll be interesting, but the 'liberal' counterpoints probably wouldn't care to have anyone have an open mind about her. How most people put up with Ann Coulter being consistently argued poorly is beyond me. Demand begets supply from time to time y'know...
  11. it IS food. Start a thread in Foodeeze and link it.
  12. If there IS a scaled back version of GarageBand, this would be an awesome little rig for it. It's a one channel audio interface with a bus powered condenser mic (and phantom power if you've got your own mic) Plug your guitar in, use the mic, plug in a ribbon mic, whatevs. Neat little unit. That knob can be used to control a number of parameters with its own software. anybody know if this is possible with the iTouch/iPhone?
  13. When I tried deleting a post to go from 4665 to 4664 posts (and it didn't worl) I saw that some of us have different titles. Some folks are superstars, I'm a 'World Idol' (which is pretty awesome) and there are a few 'Legend's (as well as other assignations) I'm curious where the titles get assigned. post 4666!
  14. do it do it do it. you won't be concerned with your budget and how it controls you when you're not around people that harp on you about your budget. (speaking from personal experiences of course) good luck.
  15. Funny thing that it gets choked up to 'mediocrity', turning him into a big snob. Thos ebands make great music - maybe not entirely 'challenging' but their releases are well done. Perhaps it's symptomatic of the entire system...not just the grants and funding, but the state of broadcasting and live events, that acts like these don't get the support they deserve.
  16. I thought this was about drugs, not weed.
  17. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    We could probably make a tidy profit with a show that could help people feel they're freeing themselves. And in that we could sell travel luggage, doomsday prerparation materials, literature, and high quality wellness products. truth be told, I'd really want to just get a Rife machine at cost.
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