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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. You have Phantom Power on?
  2. So you may have guessed by now that I wanted to find out what was in the messages of Ahmadinejad and Khadafy at the UN General Assembly this past week after the media coverage was vague and any real information was sparsely reported. Khadafy's speech - though rambling (maybe it's the timely translatability of Arabic/whatever language he speaks(excuse my ignorance here)) is calling for an overhaul of the security council and for states to sit up and recognize that the UN charter's ambiguity and self-contradiction. Definitely insensitive to polite diplomacy, Khadafy seemed to be trying to appeal to the nations in the general assembly that whose power/voice has been suppressed by major member states. I really wish this guy could have done a better job at persuading the UN to have more permanent member seats by region (central america, africa, arab union, etc.) because the concept is pretty logical: the current security council has the ability to assert control on the world with its veto rights and this practice demands reform. Anyhow, here's a pretty decent summary - concise and respectful. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/23/gaddafi-un-speech-libyan-_n_296175.html Tnqv1r6g6OU Not that I think Ahmadinejad and Khadafy are the strongest pictures of morality and sanity, but there are strong media forces at work that are painting these guys as insane madmen, twisting their words and our perceptions of them. 'Wipe Israel off the map' is not the same as 'Bomb Israel off the face of the Earth' FWIW, after all is said and done, how much difference is there between a dictatorial regime and an ineffectual democracy that pushes legislation through process to remove freedoms and rights from its citizens under the guise of 'security'? More people vote for their 'American Idol' than voted for their next president. I haven't seen/heard/read any significantly harsh ideals from either of these 2 leaders. Not a single ounce of antisemitism or lunacy. But while i watched the news, all I heard about was Ahmadinejad's 'holocaust denial' (which, though borderline interest in questioning the official story, he NEVER says he didn't believe it happened) and Khadafy's wild actions and 'madness'. Watching CNN this past week, I noted some really strong Rabbinical Jewish voices speaking out against these leaders just being in New York around this time of year (Happy New Year, BTW) which has led me to read more and more - to try to find examples of Ahmadinejad's hatred for Jews, and the closest thing I can find is his demonization of Zionism, which is definitely different. http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/antisemitism/holocaust/gedalyaLiebermann.cfm And then here Netanyahu is twisting it all around again, burying the context of Ahmadinejad's speeches yet again. http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/WTARC/2009/me_israel0754_09_24.asp I wonder how many people are gonna eat it up. Khadafy's 5 arguments. I'll save you 90 minutes of youtube video. Especially since after 75 minutes, Khadafy's translator gave up and left his table...
  3. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    ...another gem...*ugh* Five Hate Bills Surge Forward In Congress By Rev. Ted Pike 9-21-9 The Christian/conservative right is bruised by hate bill victory in the House/Senate and distracted by healthcare debate; the Jewish Anti-Defamation League is losing no time pushing four more of its freedom-destroying, pro-homosexual hate bills. This antichrist legislation is intent on banning criticism of homosexuality in the workplace, on the airwaves and internet, and in public schools. These bills join the federal hate crimes bill, now moving toward signing by Pres. Obama. Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) HR 3017 and S 1584. This is ADL's workplace hate bill establishing preferential rights for homosexuals and transgenders in business and possibly church-operated businesses. ENDA is scheduled for its first hearing on Wed., Sept. 23, in the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime. Learn more in my two previous articles at www.truthtellers.org; "How ENDA Ends Workplace Freedom: Part One, Part Two." Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act, HR 1966. This extremely dangerous ADL legislation makes it a federal thought crime, punishable by two years in prison, just to "intend" to cause "substantial emotional distress" by criticizing homosexuality over the airwaves or internet. It doesn't matter if no homosexuals are actually distressed by your speech! Your intent will be a federal crime. A House Judiciary (Democrat) spokesperson told me a hearing on HR 1966 will be held this month. The Safe Schools Improvement Act of 2009, HR 2262. This ADL bill outlaws criticism of homosexuality in public schools to the extent that such criticism "adversely affects the ability" of gay students to be involved in certain activities or programs. Christians are morally obligated to publicly speak out against all sin including sodomy. HR 2262 amounts to a ban on Christian speech in schools. It defines "persistent or persuasive" criticism of homosexuality in schools as "bullying and harassment." It would require school programs to "teach students about the consequences of bullying and harassment" and prevent public disapproval of homosexuality. Parents and students will be taught to intervene when criticism occurs. The government will provide "grievance procedures for students and parents that seek to register complaints regarding the prohibited conduct." Incredibly, this bill defines "persistent or pervasive" criticism of homosexuality as "violence." Like the federal hate crimes bill, HR 2262 does contain a caveat saying nothing can be done to limit free speech. What that really means is that "hate speech" will join the few types of forbidden speech, which include shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater and inciting to riot. I was told by the House Judiciary spokesperson that HR 2262 will be discussed in the upcoming cyberbullying hearing, even though hearings are yet to be scheduled. National Hate Crimes Hotline Act of 2009, HR 2684. This is a streamlined repackaging of the David Ray Ritcheson Hate Crimes Prevention Act introduced in January. Introduced in June by Rep. Steve Israel, it is a thinly disguised ADL attempt to control a federal hate crimes hotline, website, information center and hate crimes database in Washington DC. It will authorize even more "training and education to local law enforcement" than ADL already massively provides. It will encourage the "prevention" of hate crimes in America through ADL-assisted education against "homophobia," "domestic terrorism," "anti-Semitism," etc. Borrowing from statements by ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center (also Jewish), this bill says "the number of hate groups in the United States have increased by 54 percent over the past eight years." Who are these hate groups? ADL/SPLC make abundantly clear on their websites that the highest profile haters are those they label "anti-Semitic:" strong critics of Israel, Jewish control of big media, finance, Congress and war-making powers in the Mideast (for the benefit of Israel). These include racialist groups and those who suggest the possibility of Israeli/Mossad complicity in 9/11. Lower-tier haters are those who oppose excessive immigration, abortion (a "woman's right to choose") and homosexuality. SPLC labeled a mainline pro-Zionist Christian watchdog group, Traditional Values Coalition, a "hate group" for opposing sodomy. All anti-homosexual leadership groups (even though pro-Zionist) are regarded by ADL/SPLC as hateful. The Hate Crimes Hotline Act specifies that for the first three years this federal hate crimes command center will be run by one or more selected non-profit organization(s) (probably ADL/SPLC). The hotline will then revert to autonomous control by a non-profit entity with 'recognized expertise in the area of hate crimes' i.e. ADL. Thus, ADL will exploit this legislation to control a nascent hate crimes gestapo in Washington with federal funds. ($3.5 million) But after three years ADL will be free of federal restriction, allowed to investigate, educate, and recommend prosecution and punishment unfettered. Tightly buckled into the driver's seat of persecution of Christians and free thinkers and having ended free speech, ADL will be a super-powerful NGO, accountable to none. Stop the Terror Do you think the most effective way to protest these hate bills is generalized mass demonstrations against Obama's healthcare bill and big government? It is not. Rep. Steve King says the most effective protest is phone calls from you to the Senate and House offices of your elected representatives. Call your two Senators and House member toll free at 1-877-851-6437 or 202-225-3121 toll and say, "I am angry that the Democrats are moving forward even more freedom-stealing hate crimes bills. I will vote against the Senator/Congressman who votes for hate and bias crime legislation." Again, Steve King recommends you send a similar message to the pivotal members of the House and Senate Judiciary committees. (Names available HERE on the Action Page at www.truthtellers.org) Hate Bills Surge While Right Distracted This very month-while millions of concerned and angry Americans protest socialist healthcare-the elements of a working hate crimes bureaucracy are being set in place! Virtually all evangelical watchdog organizations are riding the tsunami of healthcare protest, hoping to destroy the Democrat majority in Congress at mid-term elections. Thus, they are largely silent about these bills and how we can effectively stop them. They also tend to avoid the hate crimes issue because Jewish ADL is just beneath the surface. Scripture says that in the last days, "the wicked profane Prince of Israel," Antichrist, (Ezekiel 21:25) shall gather the whole earth as one gathers a clutch of abandoned eggs and none will effectively resist him (Isaiah 10:14). He will override all opposition, establishing world government in Jerusalem where, in a rebuilt temple, he will proclaim himself God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). This is unfolding before our eyes! The present thrust for world hate crimes jurisdiction and sovereignty will lead to an end of free speech, persecution of Christians and anti-Christ world dominion. It comes straight from organized world Jewry-ADL/B'nai B'rith International. Yet those Jewish activists who aggressively subvert Christian values, symbols and freedom are regarded by most evangelicals as "God's chosen people." Christians will not criticize or resist them-fearing God's curse. Thus, evil Jewish supremacists render evangelicals and their leaders powerless to effectively restrain a global world revolutionary movement that right now is hammering the legislative chains of our bondage in the House Judiciary subcommittees. These bills will enable ADL to establish a workable, federally sanctioned and legally enforceable hate crimes gestapo in America. This will ultimately end free speech, unite federal and local law enforcement into a single police state system, create a bias-oriented, parallel justice system in America, force business and church businesses to hire homosexuals, and criminalize criticism of homosexuality on the airwaves and in public schools. Yet, even now, no major evangelical group has the courage to publicly utter the name of ADL, much less inform their followers that ADL is Jewish and has the most sinister ambitions. This reveals an incredible irony. The greatest force empowering Jewish one-world domination-prophesied to extirpate Christianity-is not that small minority of Jewish conspirators and activists of ADL/B'nai B'rith International. Rather, it is the vast majority of Israel-first evangelicals and their leaders who empower such ascendance. United in silence, they remain committed to a heretical interpretation of the Bible that forbids them to expose the synagogue of Satan or resist it. As such, they provide an unobstructed highway for the great harlot, Israel, to ascend to dominion over the nations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let the Anti-Defamation League teach you how they have saddled 45 states with hate laws capable of persecuting Christians, and spearhead attempts to pass the federal hate crimes bill: http://www.adl.org/99hatecrime/intro.asp.
  4. The problem is since 1864 we’ve had a debt based banking system. All our money is based on government debt. We cannot extinguish government debt without extinguishing our money supply. That’s why talk of paying off the national debt without reforming our banking system is an impossibility. That’s why the solution does not lie in discussing the size of the national debt rather it lies in reforming our banking system." -Woodrow Wilson We need to seriously reform our way of economic approach to benefit us and bring us abundance rather than scarcity. Too bad we probably won't do it before we HAVE to.
  5. I see the blank stares of days off in the city, feeling refreshed and at the park but still wishing to be free and clear of the daily grind. Looking good and unfulfilled for more than just a moment.
  6. Whether you think you like/dislike the guy or fail to believe what the media's putting out about him, he has been put in a very difficult position, as the world's supposed most powerful military is pretty much on his doorstep acting less and less like an ally. I think I'd start a nuclear program if I were him too, especially if I were as vocal as he is about the 'Zionist Regime' - which many people think is Israel, but is more realistically far more USA/UK than Israeli...but when somebody says 'zionist' most people assume it could only mean Israel. Israel's the Zionist ingredient in the Middle East. The USA/UK/World Bank Bullies are in reality the real Zionist regime, as they are the backing behind the world's superpowers. Every country/leader that moves away from World Bank interests are then seen as 'rogue'...
  7. And just in case you wanted to read his LAST speech to see if he really denies the holocaust in it... MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD SPEECH TO THE U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1024097.html (September 2009)The following is a copy of Iranian President Ahmadinejad's speech to the United Nations General Assembly early Wednesday morning, as translated by the Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran News Service: Mr. President, E Advertisement xcellencies, I am grateful to the Almighty for granting me another opportunity to be present in this world Assembly. In the last three years, I have talked to you about great hopes in the bright future of human society, and some solutions for achieving sustainable peace and expanding love, compassion, and cooperation. I have also talked about unjust systems governing the world; pressures exerted by some powers seeking to trample the rights of other nations, oppression imposed on the majority of the global community, especially on the people of Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Africa, Latin America, and Asia; about challenges we are faced with, such as efforts to shatter the sanctity of families, destroy cultures, humiliate lofty values, neglect commitments, expand the shadow of threats, as well as about the arms race and the unfairness and inability of the systems governing world affairs in reforming the status quo. With the occurrence of various new developments, the debility of existing mechanisms has been revealed even more. However, at the same time, an encouraging trend, which has originated in the thoughts and beliefs of peoples, has blossomed and become stronger. Posed against the despairs caused by the new developments, this trend has ignited the ray of hope for a brilliant, desirable and beautiful future in the hearts of men. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues, Today I would like to talk to you about the main reasons behind the conditions ruling the world and the means to tackle them. Of course, you are already aware of what I am talking about, but I think it is necessary to remind ourselves. It seems that the roots of problems lie in the way one views and perceives the world and humankind, as well as in the important issues of freedom, obeisance to God, and justice. The world, humankind, freedom and obeisance to God, and justice, have been of utmost importance to humans throughout history. 1. The World: God Almighty purposefully created the world. This world is the bedrock for the evolution and growth of a creature called man, and the laws governing the world and all other creatures are at the service of man's quest for loftiness. The world should provide the needed opportunities for the fulfillment of the purpose behind man's creation. No phenomenon, creature, or indeed anything has been created in vain. Together they all pave the ground for the flourishing of mankind in a complex and purposeful system, and they are, each, one of the signs of God Almighty. All are His creations and He is the sole creator and ruler of the world. All existence including power, knowledge and wealth come from Him. 2. Humankind: God created the world for humans and humans for Himself. He created humans from mud and in the soil, but He did not want them to remain in the soil and with animal instincts. He kindled the light of guidance in their souls and asked them to rise from the soil to the heavens and to Him with the help of wisdom, prophets and perfect men. The world will ultimately disappear, but God has created man for eternity and has made them a manifestation of Himself. Creativity, mercifulness, kindness, knowledge, wisdom, zeal, concealment of sins, splendor, justice, bounteousness, generosity, greatness, love, glory, dignity, forgiveness, insight, kingship and all other goodness and beauty are attributes of God. God has not created humans for aggression, bloodshed, rancor, selfishness and destruction. He made humans His vicegerents on earth and has asked them to, on the one hand, make earth prosper by using their God-given potentials and to prepare the ground for the growth of divine attributes in all humans, and to provide all with a life full of beauty, amity, freedom, justice and goodness; and on the other hand in pursuance of this path, to prepare for a prosperous, everlasting life endowed by God's mercy. God has obligated humans to live divinely and socially, for it is only through social life and interactions with others that divine attributes may emerge. 3. Obeisance to God: God Almighty has tied their perfection and true freedom of humans to their devotion and obedience to Himself. True freedom and obedience to God are in balance and in fact are two sides of the same coin. Obeisance to God means confessing to monotheism and obeying His commands, and to be free from ungodly worship. Obeisance to God means the acceptance of the absolute truth, the absolute light, and the absolute beauty. Obeisance to God means abandoning selfishness and animal instincts, power-seeking and aggression, surrendering to righteousness, justice, love, and perfection. And in this way, humans can achieve their true freedom and flourish, they can grow and manifest divine attributes, have affection for others, stand up for justice, and fear no power or threat, and defend the oppressed. In such an environment, one's freedom will not impinge on any others. Contention and conflict are characteristic of materialistic freedom and animal instinct. The essence of all divine religions and obeisance to God and true freedom is disassociating from oppressors and instead obeying and worshiping God, for: - God is omniscient and knows all that is revealed or kept secret, and He is kind and merciful. - All creatures are humble before Him and resign to His will. - God is alive and is the Creator of the universe and all life. - God loves His creatures and desires nothing but goodness, blessings, and perfection for them, and is against bullying, injustice, selfishness and domination. 4. Justice: Justice is the foundation of the creation of humankind and the whole universe. Justice is tantamount to placing every phenomenon in its own place, and providing humans with opportunities to actualize all their divine capabilities. Without it, the order of the universe will collapse and the opportunity for perfection will fade away. Without justice, it would be impossible for human society to taste real peace, beauty, joy and happiness. Justice is the main pillar of social life and without it, social life cannot continue or grow. Humans need to know God in order to realize a prosperous society in this world as well as to strive for a beautiful eternal life, and to this end they first have to know themselves and strive for loftiness in themselves and their societies. However: - as long as the world is construed as closed, limited and aimless, - as long as eternal life is considered imaginary and illusory and afterlife and the Judgment Day as well as reward and punishment are thought of as fictional and unreal, - as long as morals and commitment to them are called backwardness, and immorality, lies, deceit and selfishness are considered desirable, and humans are limited to a materialistic life in this world, - as long as attempts are made to replace obedience to God and following His prophets and true freedom with servitude to materialistic tendencies and animal instincts and servitude to oppressing human beings, and contention reaches its pinnacle, - as long as the aggressors, because of their financial, political and propaganda powers, not only escape punishment but even claim righteousness, - and as long wars are started and nations are enslaved in order to win votes in elections, not only will the problems of the global community remain unsolved, but they will be increasingly exacerbated. Friends and Colleagues, Let's look at the situation of the world today: Iraq was attacked under the false pretext of uncovering weapons of mass destruction and overthrowing a dictator. The dictator is toppled and WMDs are not uncovered. A democratic government is established by the votes of the people but, after 6 years, the occupiers are still there. They insist on imposing colonial agreements on the people of Iraq by keeping them under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter. Millions of people have been killed or displaced, and the occupiers, without a sense of shame, are still seeking to solidify their position in the political geography of the region and to dominate oil resources. They have no respect for the people of Iraq and disregard any dignity, rights or status for them. The UN is not capable enough to solve the problems and to remove aggression, occupation and imposition. In Palestine, 60 years of carnage and invasion is still ongoing at the hands of some criminal and occupying Zionists. They have forged a regime through collecting people from various parts of the world and bringing them to other people?s land by displacing, detaining, and killing the true owners of that land. With advance notice, they invade, assassinate, and maintain food and medicine blockades, while some hegemonic and bullying powers support them. The Security Council cannot do anything and sometimes, under pressure from a few bullying powers, even paves the way for supporting these Zionist murderers. It is natural that some UN resolutions that have addressed the plight of the Palestinian people have been relegated to the archives unnoticed. In Afghanistan, production of narcotics has multiplied since the presence of NATO forces. Domestic conflicts continue. Terrorism is spreading. And innocent people are bombarded on a daily basis in streets, markets, schools and wedding ceremonies. The people of Afghanistan are the victims of the willingness of NATO member states to dominate the regions surrounding India, China, and South Asia. The Security Council cannot do anything about it because some of these NATO members also happen to be the major decision makers in the Security Council. In Africa, efforts are made to reestablish the relationships of the colonial era. By starting civil wars in large countries including Sudan, disintegration of those countries is planned in order to serve the interests of some corrupt powers. In case there is a national resistance, the leaders of the resistance are put under pressure by legal mechanisms created by the very same powers. In Latin America, people find their security, national interests and cultures to be seriously endangered by the menacing shadow of alien domineering governments, and even by the embassies of some empires. The lives, properties and rights of the people of Georgia and Ossetia and Abkhazia are victims of the tendencies and provocations of NATO and certain western powers, and the underhanded actions of the Zionists. The never-ending arms race and the proliferation and stockpiling of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction and the threats to use them, and the establishment of missile defense systems, have made the situation unstable. With regard to Iran's peaceful nuclear program, despite the inalienable right of all nations including the Iranian nation, in producing nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes, and despite such facts as the transparency of all Iranian activities and our country's full cooperation with the inspectors of the IAEA and the Agency's repeated confirmation of the fact that Iran's activities are peaceful, a few bullying powers have sought to put hurdles in the way of the peaceful nuclear activities of the Iranian nation by exerting political and economic pressures against Iran, and also through threatening and pressuring the IAEA. These are the same powers that produce new generations of lethal nuclear arms and possess stockpiles of nuclear weapons that no international organization is monitoring; and, the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were perpetrated by one of them. Indeed, they are not against weapons, but they oppose other nations? progress, and tend to monopolize technologies and to use those monopolies in order to impose their will on other nations. But it is very natural that the great Iranian people, with their trust in God, and with determination and steadfastness and with the support of its friends, will resist the bullying and has defended and will continue to defend its rights. The Iranian nation is for dialogue. But it has not accepted and will not accept illegal demands. The time has come for the IAEA to present a clear report to the international community on its monitoring of the disarmament of these nuclear powers and their nuclear activities, and for a disarmament committee to be established by independent states to monitor the disarmament of these nuclear powers. The theories of development that are in line with the hegemonic system and not in accordance with the true needs of humankind and human societies, have turned into repetitive and bland tools for assimilation of economies, expanding hegemonic domination, destroying the environment and destroying the social solidarity of nations. There is no end in sight to this. Poverty, hunger and deprivation are hurting more than one billion of the world's population and have dashed their hopes for a decent life. The dignity, integrity and rights of the American and European people are being played with by a small but deceitful number of people called Zionists. Although they are a miniscule minority, they have been dominating an important portion of the financial and monetary centers as well as the political decision-making centers of some European countries and the US in a deceitful, complex and furtive manner. It is deeply disastrous to witness that some presidential or premiere nominees in some big countries have to visit these people, take part in their gatherings, swear their allegiance and commitment to their interests in order to attain financial or media support. This means that the great people of America and various nations of Europe need to obey the demands and wishes of a small number of acquisitive and invasive people. These nations are spending their dignity and resources on the crimes and occupations and the threats of the Zionist network against their will. Friends and Colleagues, All these are due to the manner in which the immoral and the powerful view the world, humankind, freedom, obeisance to God, and justice. The thoughts and deeds of those who think they are superior to others and consider others as second-class and inferior; who intend to remain out of the divine circle, to be the absolute slaves of their materialistic and selfish desires, who intend to expand their aggressive and domineering natures, constitute the roots of today's problems in human societies. They are the great hindrances to the actualization of material and spiritual prosperity and to security, peace and brotherhood among nations. I explicitly state that the Iranian people and the overwhelming majority of peoples and governments are against those deeds and perspectives of the world- domineering powers. Establishment of justice requires people who have achieved moderation and justice inside themselves, and have restrained their domineering attitudes and actualized their attributes of self-sacrifice and are at the service of humanity. The complete and full-scale manifestation of such characteristics can happen only under the rule of the righteous and perfect human being who is obedient to God and who is promised by the divine Prophets. Dear Colleagues, Of course with the grace of God Almighty a hopeful trend is flourishing in the heart and soul of human societies. The universal eagerness for justice, purity, and love for others, monotheism and the quest for perfection is clearly and increasingly on the rise. A universal resistance against the acquisitiveness, aggression and selfishness of the bullying powers is being formed. Today, the bullying powers' thoughts, practices and strategies are rejected by nations and governments, and all are seeking to establish new human relations based on justice with a view to attain prosperity, perfection, security, and sustainable welfare. This is the very auspicious phenomenon that all the traditions of creation and the ruling laws of the universe emphasize and support. Today, the Zionist regime is on a definite slope to collapse, and there is no way for it to get out of the cesspool created by itself and its supporters. The Islamic Republic of Iran, while fully respecting the resistance of the oppressed people of Palestine and expressing its all-out support for it, submits its humane solution based on a free referendum in Palestine for determining and establishing the type of state in the entire Palestinian lands to the distinguished Secretary General of the UN. American empire in the world is reaching the end of its road, and its next rulers must limit their interference to their own borders. Today, the thought of hegemony quickly becomes a demerit. And now a few words with the expansionist governments ruling global relations: Be aware that living with obedience to God and carrying out His orders, compassion for people and striving for the fulfillment of justice is to your advantage too. I invite you to return to the path of God, the Prophets and to the path of the people of the world and to the truth and justice. The only route to salvation is a divine straight path. Otherwise, God's hand of power will emerge from the sleeve of oppressed nations and will make your life difficult, and will put an end to your hegemony. Let's love the people of the world and respect their rights. Rectify past behavior. This will benefit you and the human community. The Iranian people are prepared, along with other nations, to help you be rescued from your current situation and to establish peace and prosperity. My Friends, Fortuitously, opportunities are accessible. With the grace of God Almighty, the existing pillars of the oppressive system are crumbling. Great developments in favor of humankind as well as its true and real rights are on the way. A golden and brilliant future is awaiting mankind. A global community filled with justice, friendship, brotherhood and welfare is at hand, as I have elaborated. A community which will tread the path of beauty and love under the rule of the righteous and perfect human being, the One promised by all divine prophets and the One who is the true lover of humanity. A community that will be devoid of any fear, despair and privation. Such a community will soon be ours. The community promised by the great divine Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Mohammad (PBUH) is about to materialize. Let us, hand in hand, expand the thought of resistance against evil and the minority of those who are ill-wishers. Let's support goodness and the majority of people who are good and the embodiment of absolute good that is the Imam of Time, The Promised One who will come accompanied by Jesus Christ, and accordingly design and implement the just and humanistic mechanisms for regulating the constructive relationships between nations and governments. Oh great Almighty, deliver the savior of nations and put an end to the sufferings of mankind and bring forth justice, beauty, and love. Friends; Let?s have a proper share in the establishment of that illuminated and promised divine age
  8. I find it funny how delegates walked out of this speech while it was not filled with the malevolence some had expected. http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2009/04/21/full-text-of-president-ahmadinejads-remarks-at-un-conference-on-racism/ This is a rush transcript of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s remarks at the United Nations Durban Review Conference on racism in Geneva, Switzerland, on April 20, 2009. Transcribed from the translation given in the U.N. webcast of the speech. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful… [Protestors in clown costumes escorted out by security] May he bestow upon his prophets… Praise be upon Allah, the Almighty, who is just, kind, and compassionate. May he bestow upon his prophets his blessings and his grace from Adam to Noah; Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and His last prophet, Mohammed. Peace be upon them all who are the harbingers of monotheism, fraternity, love … [Applause] … human dignity and justice. Mr. Chairman. I call upon all distinguished guests to forgive these ignorant people. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be upon Allah, the Almighty, who is just, kind, and compassionate, and praise and salutations of the Almighty God to the great prophet. May he bestow upon [us] His blessings, His grace. We thank the Almighty God. Praise be upon him who is just and who is compassionate. And the salutations and regards of Allah to his prophets, from Noah to Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and his last prophet Mohammed. Peace be upon them all who are the harbingers of monotheism, fraternity, love, human dignity, and justice. Mr. Chairman. Honorable Secretary General of the United Nations. Madam High Commissioner. Ladies and Gentleman. We have gathered here in the follow up to the Durban conference against racism and racial discrimination to work out practical mechanisms for our holy and humanitarian campaigns. Over the last centuries, humanity has gone through tremendous suffering and pain. In the middle ages, thinkers and scientists were sentenced to death. It was then followed by a period of slavery and slave trade, when innocent people in millions were captivated and separated from their families and loved ones, to be taken to Europe and America under worse conditions; the dark period that also experienced occupations, lootings, and massacres of innocent people. Many years passed by before nations rose up and fought for their liberty and freedom, and they paid a high price. They lost millions of lives to expel the occupiers and proclaim their independence. However, it did not take long that the coercive powers imposed two wars in Europe which also plagued a part of Asia and Africa. Those horrific wars claimed about 100 million lives and left behind massive devastation. Had lessons been learned from the occupations, horrors, and crimes of those wars, there would have been a ray of hope for the future. The victorious powers called themselves the conquerors of the world while ignoring or downtreading the rights of other nations by the imposition of oppressive laws and international arrangements. Ladies and gentlemen, let us take a look at the U.N. Security Council, which is one of the legacies of World War II and World War I. What was the logic behind their granting themselves the veto rights? How can such a logic comply with humanitarian or spiritual values? Could it be in conformity with the recognized principles of justice, equality before law, love, and human dignity? [Applause] Or rather, with discrimination, injustice, violation of human rights, or humiliation of the majority of nations and countries? That Council is the highest decision-making world body for safeguarding the international peace and security. How can we expect the realization of justice and peace when discrimination is legalized and the origin of law is dominated by coercion and force rather than by justice and the right? Coercion and arrogance is the origin of oppression and wars. Although today many proponents of racism condemn racial discrimination in their words and in their slogans, a number of powerful countries have been authorized to decide for other nations based on their own interests and at their own discretions. And they can easily ridicule and violate all laws and humanitarian values, as they have done so. Following World War II, they resorted to military aggression to make an entire nation homeless on the pretext of Jewish sufferings. And they sent migrants from Europe, the United States, and other parts of the world in order to establish a totally racist government in the occupied Palestine… [Delegates walk out in protest. Applause] And in fact in compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe… Okay, please. Thank you. And in fact in compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive, racist regime in Palestine. [Applause] The Security Council helped stabilize this occupation regime and supported it in the past 60 years, giving them a free hand to continue their crimes. It is all the more regrettable that a number of Western governments and the United States have committed themselves to defend those racist perpetrators of genocide whilst the awakened conscience and free minded people of the world condemn aggression, brutalities and bombardments of civilians in Gaza. They have always been supportive or silent against their crimes. And before that, they have always been silent with regard to their crimes. Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, what are the root causes of U.S. attacks against Iraq or invasion of Afghanistan? [shouts from audience] What are the root causes of U.S. attacks against Iraq invasion of Afghanistan? Was the motive behind the invasion of Iraq anything other than the arrogance of the then U.S. administration and the mounting pressures on the part of the owner of wealth and power to expand their sphere of influence, seeking the interests of giant arms manufacturing companies, affecting a noble culture with thousands of years of historical background, eliminating potential and practical traits of Muslim countries against the useful Zionist regime, or to control and plunder energy resources of the Iraqi people? Why, indeed almost a million people were killed and injured and a few more millions were displaced and became homeless. Why, indeed the Iraqi people have suffered enormous losses amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. And why was hundreds of billions of dollars imposed on the American people and its allies as a result of these military actions? Wasn’t the military action against Iraq planned by the Zionists and their allies in the then U.S. administration in complicity with the arms manufacturing companies and the owner of the wealth? The invasion of Afghanistan; restore peace, security, and economic well being in this country. The United States and its allies not only have failed to contain [?] in Afghanistan, but also the illicit cultivation of narcotics multiplied in the course of their presence. The basic question is: What was the responsibility of the job of the then U.S. administration and its allies? Did it represent the world? Have they been mandated by them? Have they been authorized on behalf of the people of the world to interfere in all parts of the globe? And of course mostly in our region aren’t these measures a clear example of egocentrism, racism, discrimination, or infringement upon the dignity and independence of nations? Ladies and gentlemen, who are responsible for the current global economic crisis? Where did the crisis start from? From Africa? From Asia? Or was it first from the United States, then spreading to Europe and to their allies? For a long time they imposed inequitable economic regulations. By their political power on the international economy they imposed a financial and a monetary system without a proper international oversight mechanism on nations and governments that played no role in the repressive trends or policies. They have not even allowed their people to oversee of monitor their financial policies. They introduce all laws and regulations in defiance to all moral values only to protect the interests of the owners of wealth and power. They further presented a definition of market economy and competition that denied many of the economic opportunities that could be available to other countries of the world. They even transferred their problems to others whilst the wave of crisis lashed back, plaguing their economies with thousands of billions of dollars in budget deficits. And today, they are injecting hundreds of billions of cash from the pockets of their own people into the failing banks companies and financial institutions making the situation more and more complicated for the economy and their people. They are simply thinking about maintaining power and wealth. They couldn’t care any less about the people of the world and even about their own people. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, racism is rooted in the lack of knowledge concerning the truth of human existence as the selected creature of God. It is also the product of his deviation from the true path of human life and the obligations of mankind in the world of creation. Failing to consciously worship God, not being able to think about the philosophy of life or the path to perfection that are the main ingredients of divine and humanitarian values, have restricted the horizon of human outlook, making transient and limited interests a yardstick for his actions. That is why the cells of the Devil’s power took shape and expanded its realm of power by depriving others from enjoying equitable and just opportunities to development. The result has been the making of an unbridled racism that is posing the most serious threat against the international peace and has hindered the way for building peaceful coexistence in the entire world. Undoubtedly, racism is the symbol of ignorance which has deep roots in history. And it is indeed a sign of frustration in the development of human society. It is therefore crucially important to trace the manifestations of racism in situations or in societies where ignorance or lack of knowledge prevails in the societies. This increasing general awareness and understanding towards the philosophy of human existence is the principle struggle against such manifestations; which is the key to understanding the truth that humankind centers on the creation of the universe, and the key to a return to the spiritual and moral values, and finally the inclination to worship God the Almighty. The international community must initiate collective moves to raise awareness in the afflicted societies where the ignorance of racism still prevails so as to bring to a halt the spread of these malicious manifestations. Dear friends, today the human community is facing a kind of racism which has tarnished the image of humanity in the beginning of the third millennium. The world Zionism personifies racism that falsely resorts to religion and abuse religious sentiments to hide their hatred and ugly faces. However, it is of great importance to bring into focus the political goals of some of the world powers and those who control huge economic resources and interests in the world. They mobilize all their resources, including their economic and political influence and world media to render support in vain to the Zionist regime, and maliciously endeavor to diminish the indignity and disgrace of this regime. This is not simply a question of ignorance, and one cannot conquer this ugly phenomenon through cultural campaigns. Efforts must be made to put an end to the abuse by Zionists and their supporters of political and international means and respect of the will and aspirations of nations. Governments must be encouraged and supported in their fights aimed at eradicating this barbaric racism [applause] and to move towards reforming … [applause] … the current international mechanisms. There is no doubt that you are all aware of the conspiracies of some powers and Zionist circles against the goals and objectives of this conference. Unfortunately, there has been literature and statements in support of Zionism and their crimes, and it is the responsibility of honorable representatives of nations to disclose these campaigns which run counter to humanitarian values and principles. It should be recognized that boycotting such a session as an outstanding international capacity is a true indication of supporting the blatant example of racism. In defending human rights it is primarily important to defend the rights of all nations to participate equally in all important international decision making processes without the influence of certain world powers. And secondly it is necessary to restructure the existing international organizations and their respective arrangements. Therefore this conference is a testing ground and the world public opinion today and tomorrow will judge our decisions and our actions [applause]. Mr. President. Mr President. Ladies and gentlemen. The world is going through fundamental changes, radical fundamental changes. Power relations have become so weak and fragile. The sounds of cracks in the pillars of world oppression can now be heard. Major political and economic structures are at the brink of collapse. Political and security crises are on the rise. The worsening crises in the world economy for which there can be seen no bright prospect, amply demonstrate the rising tide of far reaching global changes. I have repeatedly emphasized the need the change the wrong direction in which the world has been managed today. And I have also warned of the dire consequences of any delay in this crucial responsibility. Now, in this [?] and valuable event, I would like to announce here to all leaders thinkers, and to all nations of the world present in this meeting and those who have a hunger for peace and economic well being, that the management, the inequitable and unjust management of the world, is now at the end of the road. This deadlock was inevitable since the logic of this imposed management was oppressive. The logic of collective management of world affairs is based on noble aspirations which centers on human beings and the supremacy of the Almighty God. Therefore it defies any policy or plan which goes against the interest of nations. Victory of the right over the wrong and establishment of a just world system have been promised by the Almighty God and his messengers and it has been a shared goal of all human beings from different societies and generations in the course of history. Realization of such a future depends upon the knowledge of the creation and the belief in the hearts of all the faithful [applause]. The making of a global society is in fact the accomplishment of a noble held in the establishment of a common global system that will be run with the participation of all nations of the world in all major and basic decision making processes and the definite route to this sublime goal. Scientific and technical capacities as well as communication technologies have created a common and wider spread understanding of the world society and has provided the necessary ground for a common system. Now it is incumbent upon all intellectuals, thinkers, and policy makers in the world to carry out their historical responsibility with firm belief to this definite route, I also want to lay emphasis on the fact that the western liberalism and capitalism, like communism, has reached to its end since it has failed to perceive the truth of the world and human[kind] as it is. It has imposed its own goals and directions on human beings with no regard for human and divine values, justice, freedom, love, or brotherhood; has based the living on the intensive competition securing individual and collective material interests. Now we must learn from the past by initiating collective efforts by dealing with present challenges, and in this connection and in closing my remarks I wish to draw your kind attention to two important points. One: It is absolutely possible to improve the existing situation in the world. However, it must be noted that it could only be achieved through the cooperation of all countries in order to get the best out of existing capacities and resources in the world. My participation in this conference is because of my conviction of these important issues, as well as to our common responsibility to defending the rights of nations vis-a-vis the sinister phenomenon of racism, and being with you, the thinkers of the world. [Applause] Two: Mindful of the inefficacy of the current international political, economic, and security systems on the world scene, it is necessary to focus on the divine and humanitarian values and by referring to the true definition of human beings, and based upon justice and respect for the rights of all people in all parts of the world, and by acknowledging the past wrongdoings in the past dominant management of the world undertake collective measures to reform the existing structures. In this respect, it is crucially important to reform the structure of the Security Council, including the elimination of the discriminatory veto right … [applause] … and change the current world and financial monetary systems. It is evident that lack of understanding on the urgency for change is equivalent to the much heavier costs of delay. Dear friends, be aware that to move in the direction of justice and human dignity is like the national rapid flow in the current of a river. Let us not forget the essence of love and affection, the promised bright future of human beings is a great asset that will serve our purpose in keeping us together to build a new world and to make the world a better place full of love fraternity and blessings; a world devoid of poverty and hatred, [inaudible] the increasing blessings of God Almighty and the righteous management of the perfect human being. Let us all join hands in amity in playing our share in the fulfillment such a decent new world. I thank you Mr. President, Secretary General, and all distinguished participants for having the patience to listen to me. Thank you very much.
  9. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Just adding to its awfully sordid history... ...lovely.
  10. 'Ahmadinejad's locked himself in the mensroom again' 'Oh no...I wonder what he's doing in there.'
  11. It would be great if it were the time for the NDPs to actually be awesome and get a leader that can actually get them elected in 30 % of the ridings in every province.
  12. Who are you to define what an artist is?
  13. Ike must have not noticed the people getting on his bus while he was getting off.
  14. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Thanks, Siggy. The right to death: this debate needs to be about power and victimization rather than God's Law...
  15. The fact that the NDP has lost their clout and strength of character exceeds whatever hypocrisy and arrogance Layton may possess. While the NDP eat cake I'm gonna steal all their ice cream. I wonder who they're gonna whine to when there's no more for seconds.
  16. ...and I hope that somebody steps up and delivers, cause Harper's starting to reek worse than a fishmonger after noon.
  17. In January he was all for toppling the government without knowing where the Tories stood, now Layton backs the Tories to save an election... ...Ignatieff would have my vote over Latyon in this instance on this particular issue if there were a vote on which party leader has more balls when it comes down to the wire. They're going to eat cake whether we want to let them or not.
  18. In this wayback moment, Pre-suds Sports memories in the bath house.
  19. me neither. Not quite as pretty...imagine if phish could bump off the leafs!
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