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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Resident Quaker! He's probably working hard. What about anyone else? It's off to Wikipedia for me... Mysticism freaks people out? Mysticism is the Devil or of the devil to these people. It probably freaks them out less when they see it like that so 'the Devil' can freak them out instead...maybe you're right and they just pass the buck. Perhaps If they were told that it were all a part of God or that God were a part of everything, then their impression of said mysticism would lead them to freak themselves out. Why should we open up the concept of God with these folks? How does their belief really hold back true science and real religion/spirituality? Is it fair to presume that These are not the people that are making an impact in these fields anyway? I'd suggest to let them live as they're going to and ignore their pettiness and help ourselves to not jump into it as well. We can't help everybody. They'll get their chance another time around. Attitudes and openmindedness both shift as we go on. I wonder how it's going to be in 15 years from now. Will our Political leaders have more of a sense of God/the divine in their lives and policies? I sure hope so. I'm sick of this empty political landscape.
  2. And...now that we have the +absolute answer to what the guy's doing, why does it really matter? I don't think that it does. Anyone that's really racist would look into the company roster and see who's handling his/her account and would make sure whoever handles his/her money are to be of his/her liking. The guy who builds the first atomic bomb was also responsible for all the the lives it saved by stopping the war.
  3. Thanks for the good vibes?
  4. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    How can we extricate ourselves from that 300 year old bag of crap? Stop trying to figure out God. It's not fair to ourselves to try to figure out something that we'll never comprehend (and even if the concept of an all powerful nothingness everywhere and every time simultaneously seems comprehensive enough for our human minds, the reality of it can only be truly recognized when we're busy doing other things) and could quite easily drive us crazy. Would it not be much better to learn from the experiences and potential wisdom and to get ourselves to a point where we can tap into a sense of divinity that transcends intellect? Our concept of perfection will never be perfect. We can't fathom true perfection because our test is entirely imperfect and fallible. I say give high fives. Have potlucks. Drink water slowly. Find the God in that and we'll all probably be happier for it. Of course, I'm not going to suggest that you NOT try to discuss anything as potentially enlightening as this subject, but to be fair to God (if one can even assert that God deserves to exist (to me the concept of God existing borders on blasphemy)) respect can much more easily be shared through worship than definition. Detractors of the Unorthodox really did us some harm when they sent out bad mistrusting vibes all those years back, resonating and shaking in the Quaker that could have turned the world around. Unfortunately, Richard Nixon turned out to be a truly evil (but charming and intelligent) man. Does anyone know much about Quakers? Seems like they're everywhere and we don't quite see.
  5. Why get the kia when you could afford the subaru?
  6. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Argue the nature of God in order to 'get it right' is exactly the problem with this concept. 'God' is already perfect. Any divergence ad the whole point is missed - I don't quite understand how this could really be 'argued' but I'm presuming that it's up for discussion somewhere. Are you referring tho Gnosticism being shut down by the Romans or are you referring to some sort of self-dissolution? I suppose my 'abolition of churches' was a bit mispaced. A church as the supreme power in a following? That seems entirely un-christian to me. I feel that 'arguments' are more quarres/disputes than 'discussions' ad although few people ever entirely agree and the dictionary definition of a set of statements that logically follow toward a conclusion, it is quite easy to make the poit for a synonym. One word is far less than a group of statements. love, .r.
  7. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    I always thought that Jesus preached to abolish the concept of churches. One could worship alone and find the 'glory of God' where dogma and ritual would otherwise come into play. I think that arguing about God in an effort to worship woud be really counterproductive. Discussion and argument are not synonymous.
  8. instead of having to defrag your computer, the OS simply organizes your files/packets (?) as you use the computer, thus eliminating any internal file confusion your past experiences with PCs may have left you with.
  9. I wonder how many people that clicked Booche's link were disappointed and how many just laughed.
  10. google makes me feel useful. http://www.adirondackguitar.com/lefty/lhmando_menu2.htm
  11. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Well...it depends on from where this guy draws his paycheque, and from which revenues these other employees are paid. Ad revenue? broadcast royalties? marketing? merchandaise? If 80% of every dollar goes to 'spreading the gospel' then how is that gospel spread? Without these details, it's just another cheap stab at a televangelist. Why not stab at him for watering down the real message of Christ and not just profiting from it?
  12. Better? I think for the most part, T, business ethics have been more defined and information has become more available, so it's harder for companies to 'get away with it'...but anywhere it can happen, corporations act inhumanely, and I would argue that when the rule canbe broken, it's absolutely being broken where before, that was much less of an issue. Just as muchas things are getting marginally better, they're getting worse - even though the instances may be fewer.
  13. For a guy so 'shortshighted' he sure seems to have absolute reign over his perspective, especially with that few steps back. I would have to say that the racists, or those perpetuating the stereotypes are the ones that choose his companies because of their names.
  14. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    How did he PROVE that God is real?? I missed that. enlighten us. We'll probably start tithing cause you'd be the first one to bring that kind of knowledge to anyone. You bring that to us and not only does he get new shoes, but you do for being the prophet's prophet. big wide-eyed pyramid schemes.
  15. It could potentially be argued that cigarettes are more of a catalyst than cause of our ailments. I wonder how many people that have contracted cancer supposedly 'from' cigarettes, eat processed, preserved meats filled with nitrites (you know...the stuff that's in every modern packaged meat and that they inject to lab rats to INDUCE cancer for testing) as well as other cheap foods. Good luck not inhaling burning chemically cured happy sticks. As long as you actually enjoy them and are cutting back, they probably aren't as bad for you as you may be obsessing over.
  16. Got the word that King Sunshine's going to be at the Mercury Lounge on Friday. They're in Montreal on Sunday. Anybody into it?
  17. I called carstairs' 8, 9, and 11 tickets and haven't shored up a place to stay or a car to rent. If anybody wants them call me at 778.999.3897 If anybody knows of any great deals on hotels, hostels, or car rentals, I'm always into tips. 778.999.3897 Extra points (cases of beer) for a place to couch surf.
  18. unfermented soy? correction: all soy. Unfermented is just especially bad, but some people can't take the yeast/life in unfermented soy especially. but, yeah...i think i know enough to keep me afloat. sorry for the hijack.
  19. whatever it wasn't. Here's a list and I've asterisked my regular food choices (and I mean these were most of the foods I ate at least 3 times a week in some form...) Certain foods have been identified as goitrogenic. These foods include: Soybeans (and soybean products such as tofu)***** Pine nuts* (pesto) Peanuts* Millet Flax* Garlic*** Asparagus** Strawberries*** Spinach Bamboo shoots*(not 3 times a week...more like .3-1.0) Radishes Horseradish** Vegetables in the genus Brassica Bok choy* Broccoli** Broccolini (Asparations)* Brussels sprouts* Cabbage****** Canola Cauliflower** Chinese cabbage Choy sum Collard greens Kai-lan (Chinese broccoli) Kale* Kohlrabi Mizuna Mustard greens Rapeseed (yu choy) Rapini Rutabagas Tatsoi Turnips** Peaches* Pears* Add to that the absolutely detrimental effect that gluten can have on the body if it builds up, adding an exponent to the equation, and I'm sure that you might understand exactly how awful these otherwise incredibly healthy foods were to me. This isn't even beginning to take into account the amount of fluoridated water I drank, the very cheap meat I ate, the beer(et al) I had, and the dairy I consumed... I (used to) have a huge hard on for cottage cheese...with loads of frozen strawberries. I was eating 'well' and my only saving grace was that I ate a lot of coconut oil and other healthy fats, and even then it only kept me going a bit longer. Above all though, the soy was the absolute worst. Before I knew the dangers of soy, I knew that I was craving salt - but instead of eating real sea salt, I would spray some Bragg's (UNfermented soy sauce in a convenient atomizer) into my mouth. It was both satisfying my cravings and making them worse. yes i understand that sounds/seems disgusting. it was tasty. That stuff is tasty - I'll stand by that. I was eating soy sauce out of the house daily, drinking miso soup, eating tofu, edamame (sushi lover)... Anyhow, had I understood the importance of eating animal fats, the dangers of goitrogenic foods en masse, cheap carbs, and proper time management, I wouldn't have this advice/experience to share. Yes I know that braggs trick was awful. Sorry if I made you relive my moment.
  20. I think it's also interesting that she touches on the 'mediterranean diet' myth as well as being all about the Coconut and Palm. There are aspects of mediterranean/island diets that, if added to our approach to food, can be real lifesavers. Focusing on Olive oil or *just* coconut oil is akin to shooting ourselves in the foot. I know I embraced a simpler diet and then got lazy (cheap carbs, lots of soy, too much pizza, fast food/MSG etc) from having access in the city. It was ultimitely the thing that had the most impact on my well being and spurned a considerable personal crisis. Once I got a better pH balance, bombarding myself with a poor diet gave me less and less energy to help me get out of that newly fallen into rut. My experiences with food - feeling how much it can help or hurt first hand - have scared me quite a bit. I entirely respect the power of food and really do think that it's a shame that my opinions about the cheapening of our food, if widely expressed, would probably fall onto deaf ears of most people - and it's also a shame that I've come to believe this. There are few things that are as important as the fuel we put into our bodies and the environment that fuel affects. On one hand, it takes a considerable effort to truly understand our nutritional requirements. On the other hand, what could be more important?
  21. Anybody have a spare for Toronto? I'd probably be in for a mini tour. Split on a hotel?
  22. If I saw those beady eyes lookin' up at me, they'd burn their way through my conscience for eternity. I always thought he blew his way to the top.
  23. Fats: What a conspiracy theory.
  24. While I'm a firm believer in healthier animals - eating meat from sentient beings that we hold in esteem and treat fairly and humanely, there is much truth to the virtues upheld in a plant based diet. I liked Sally Fallon's letter but I find that in denouncing one side, she creates a rival argument that, although not nearly as flawed as the one she is refuting, still isn't a cure-all. She ties most of the loose ends up and has painted a great picture for me - and reminds me of the importance of animal products in our diet. In doing this though, she not only refutes the importance of eating more vegetable matter, but she argues against it again, while there is quite a bit of truth to the importance of eating plants her argument can be construed as being contrary to this. While I appreciate her stance on improving what goes into animals for consumption, and eating richer, nutrient-rich food, there will always be the other side of the argument that will work its way back to the top. After all, plant matter increases our overall vibrational level - and until we put food beasts in the highest esteem we will have to experience this truth with nothing else coming close.
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