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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. MarcO

    Free Hugs

    well, it might not be as relevant and useful as a discussion on, say, "who would you like to punch in the face really hard?" or "people who should die" but we can't all be winners now can we?
  2. I'll do them for $1.50, 3 for $5.
  3. It's her life, it's her tits, whatever. Don't want to see her naked, don't scan her your ticket stub. I work next to a scanning machine btw...... besides, you don't see jaydawg offering to send you his panties for putting up some bloddy posters. He's not maximizing his potential.
  4. You're all very smart and reasonable people, so I wish you would all just shut the fuck up and join me in wishing these people's genitals to slowly turn black and float off into space.
  5. I believe this is from a multi-act festival.
  6. Here is a six-minute test designed to calculate your level of pitch-recognition. I scored 77.8%. Not bad I guess.
  7. without. I like the classic: chicken, mayo, carrots, celery. A little s&p and a small squirt of hotdog mustard. In fact that's what I just ate!
  8. where's Panic At The Disco when you need them?
  9. I wished them and their families painful incurable herpes. Does this make me a bad person??
  10. It is important to note though that Eisenberger won by less than 500 votes. He does not enter office with an overwhelming mandate from the voters. This easily could have gone the other way. Having said that, Eisenberger managed to pull off those extra 500 votes with considerable less financing and corporate support than D'Ianni. Fred refused to receive corporate or union funds. Very impresive taken in that light! uh, don't we have a politics section? That stupid, stupid politics section?
  11. The responses Shain's article received on jambase are revealing, and not in a good way. Point and laugh with me at the precious little crybabies whining about their little 'scene"! Drawing lines in the sand: "this I like, this I do not". "This crosses the line". What line? The one they invented in their heads to define themselves to themselves and their friends? They can't even review a review properly. Right now, Shain's article is averaging a 1.5 star rating. It is a well written and coherent article, it's just the subject matter these sterilized vermin can't accept but they can't even tell the difference. Presumably, a poorly written article about "The All-American Good Time Happy Happy Groove Band" is preferable to a well-written article about something of less interest to them. That's fine if you're running a blog, but doesn't jambase aim a little higher? The brahphesy IS being fulfilled and the Great Brah In the Sky is not at all happy with his minions. He is putting Radiohead top of the bill at Bonnaroo and foisting the "emo-crap" of Death Cab For Cutie on the Custies for good reason. It is his delicious retribution for letting the bar slip when he wasn't looking. Fear the Great Brah! He is righteous but vengeful! Go forth and spread his good word, Shain!
  12. ugh. music is music is music is music. I applaud the major festies like the 'Roo and the online journals for not limiting themselves. Things change and develop and the last thing that the likes of jambase should do is wind up like the 60's era Broadside Magazine - endlessly debating about what is or isn't folk music, lashing out at the changes going on around them, and totally losing their currency as a result. Shain, keep following your tastes and keep improving your craft and you won't be writing for jambase forever! Fuckin' hippies.
  13. Hey everybody, check out the fuckin' hippie! (love ya 'fro'pa!)
  14. good news all around. D'Ianni was a sleazy dude and I certainly wasn't happy years back when he beat Christopherson. I'm not holding my breath for a birsk overhaul of the downtown core - I think a lot of those problems are out of the mayor's hands, although some good things could be done. It takes a special mayor to get people off crack cocaine. Or just regular old cocaine for that matter.
  15. I am also in the process of giving them input. Fuck these people. Fuck them hard.
  16. Amazing, I'm as bored with Axl Rose today as I was fifteen years ago. personally, I see no substantial differences between Axl Rose and Liza Minelli, except I'd rather hear Minelli sing. How does Axl still have a career??? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20061111.NOTE11-5/TPStory/Entertainment
  17. I'm thinkin' we're gonna try to hit up this house party on Saturday. Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock. If you see me, please drug me. Thanks!
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