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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. I thought the photo was a photoshop joke!
  2. "Drums/Space" was perhaps the most consistently mindblowing part of a Dead show in later years.
  3. underplayed Phish songs: Round Room & Undermind (all songs on each album)
  4. but Lieberman's a Democrat. I really don;t see that happening.
  5. Hux spent hours on that zinger. Let him have his glory.
  6. I'm not sure of the minute details but it seems that with Democratic control of the house and senate, Bush will have a harder time unilaterally forcing his initiatives through the political process. He'll either have to exercise his veto powers or begin working towards compromises, in order to get anything passed. You can guess which one he'll probably lean towards.
  7. :: renames the scab on my dick "Hux" ::
  8. This section would be a lot less interesting if it wasn't for our resident contrarian, Birdy. The rest of you are just fucking dumb. No offence.
  9. She really was just Fed up, I guess.
  10. We should call him Fed-Ex now.
  11. no, but have a great time - I understand The Musical Box is a more top-notch example of the oft-maligned "tribute band" scene!
  12. This is the best thing I have ever read on this board.
  13. I agree, that was a great read! you rock Margaret!
  14. The truth is this line-up represents the most successful era of Genesis - the 1980's/early-1990's. Those 40 > 80,000-seat stadiums they booked across Europe are gonna be filled with people who are gonna love hearing "I Can't Dance" and "Invisible Touch". Not having Gabriel and Hackett on board changes the tone of the enterprise considerably, and probably more profitably.
  15. hey listen, I don't normally ask for favours right? Well today I'm asking. Please continue with your spicy hot vitriol and invective upon Senior Dingdong himself, Jeff Martin. thanks, I really appreciate this. Where are all you lurkers? Don't be shy!
  16. his next album is gonna be killer!
  17. you people mean the world to me. don't stop. please don't stop.
  18. MarcO

    SCI - Done

    so, does Nershi's leaving really spell the end of the band? I mean, are they just announcing his departure and they will carry on, or is this really the end of the road for these guys?
  19. I love this board. Please, more Jeff Martin testimonials, anecdotes, accusations... bring 'em on!
  20. Exactly. and you bastards will eat every last fish in the ocean! Do the world a favour: eat a roast beef sandwich.
  21. where's TimmyB when you need him??
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