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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. I love all you beautiful people. You just make my day everyday. :: tries to throw his arms around every single Scanc ::
  2. :: grabs popcorn, gets ready for the big game ::
  3. here's another good one everyone needs to rush out and get.
  4. His appearance on Letterman last night was awkwardly riveting. However, I don't think it was necessary. He just seemed scared. His comedy club freak-out was so over-the-top I can't imagine people felt it was genuine.
  5. I'm not going to say I'm too impressed with that footage but neither would I say that a comedy club is the best venue to measure what is "appropriate" or not. If someone is going to dish it out, they'd best be prepared to take it. And who is going to kid themselves into thinking a performance at a comedy club should reflect societal values? If they did, there's be no need for a comedy club.
  6. keep it coming. now's the time to tell Burger King whatever is on your mind.
  7. sorry, the Mel Gibson comparison doesn't stick. This was a man on a stage at a comedy club being heckled. Not a man being arrested for drunk driving.
  8. I do remember having a three-way kissing experience downstairs with two lovely ladies.... what was in that keg anyway? I must get out more.
  9. well, here's the place to say it. Go ahead, get it off you chest. The King is in!
  10. yeah that was a blast. Thanks for putting that together. Good times!
  11. I love this album! What's the "deluxe edition"?
  12. gotta go with YHF here. I think they'll kinda be seen as two peas in a pod but the production style of YHF is still so fresh and focused. AGIB is far more self-indulgent. Song by song, I'd say they're probably neck in neck but for a more succesfully stated aesthetic, YHF trumps AGIB.
  13. I'll just come out and say it: please don't let Feaver ring in the midnight celebrations. Last year he spent the run-up to midnight telling one of his rambling stories to the three or four people actually interested in listening to him and missed the midnight countdown by almost six minutes. It was a total anti-climactic buzzkill, awful. The next day Laurie and I agreed it was the most unsatisfying NYE we'd had in a long long time. ah, you know what? I'm pretty sure I'll be there and it'll be a beautiful thing to ring in the New Year with some great people at a great bar with some great music, Doug included. That's more than enough for me. I don't really mean to rag on Doug specifically. I've seen him more times than I could count and I know what he can do, and it is very fine.
  14. MarcO

    Free Hugs

    I went into that video with the crusty expectation of expecting to puke and it melted my cold sick heart. Song still sucks though s at least I have something to feel cool about. yeah MarcO!
  15. MarcO

    Free Hugs

    that's pretty rich coming from a self-proclaimed "living legend".
  16. MarcO

    Free Hugs

    most of you can hug me, but not all. Your genitals will be safe in my hands!
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