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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Free beer, a bomb-dropping bass player, and pantyless virgins ... sounds like a lot of fun to me! :)

    Yeah, I haven't seen them either.


    Some people will say anything for free beer. ;):)

    Are you coming up with Willy? If you are, don't buy into his first panic show theory. You know, the one that says its best to take it in far away from the stage, over by the campsite at Bonnaroo. Its a lie. Its best enjoyed inside up front.

    Inside up front it is. And if Willy is there, that will make it even more fun!

    Peace, Mark

  2. Is anyone thinking about going to this Rhythmfest? Kanada Kev? Mark Tonin?

    Baj and I will be trying to get to this.. Rich too I think!

    Labour Day weekend for Gratefulfest is not realistic for me, so at one point I was seriously considering Rhythmfest, but for a variety of reasons I've opted not to go. I'll be hitting up some local stuff instead (e.g. Widespread in Toronto) and then the following weekend Phil/Levon in Rochester. I'm still trying to figure out how to swing Gratefulfest, but it's wishful thinking at this point ...

    Peace, Mark

  3. \/\/illy and tigger, I still remember meeting each of you for the first time at the May 2001 Come Together Music Fest ... I'll miss seeing each of you at ghost town this May long weekend.

    Jaydawg and GoodRev, have a blast playing at the festival ... I'm certain that you'll have lots of fun and that people will dig it! And happy birthday GoodRev ... I see that candle beside your name this morning!

    The festival seems to have taken on another life here in the KW area ... lots of interest from people outside of the community of people I know via this board.

    The frontier draws near ...

    Peace, Mark

  4. I've mentioned this to a few people and in another thread, but I am excited about this current musical project so here goes!

    Chris Mulligan is a friend I've known for a while. He's a singer/songwriter/guitar player with lots of original material. We've jammed together a few times in the past, but over the last 4 months I've spent a fair bit of time learning some of his original material and working on some songs with him, a keyboard player (Gary Kreller) and a drummer (Andrew Nowak). It is starting to come together nicely, and a few weeks ago we did a live off the floor recording as a way of documenting where we are at musically so that we can work to make things sound even better. A couple of the live recordings (no overdubs) are now up on his myspace site ... Red Lights and Pomoja. Give them a listen if you have the time ... I'd love your feedback. Some of his studio recordings are also up on the site.

    Chris Mulligan myspace

    We'll be playing our first show on Sunday at 4 pm at the Come Together Fest ... looking forward to that!

    Peace, Mark

  5. People always overbuy for this festival and there is always extras to be had the week of.

    Hey NewRider, did you try to buy tickets yesterday? If you did and were shut out, hopefully you will find extras later on.

    Peace, Mark

  6. I'm feeling lucky, as it sure did sell out fast! I showed up at around 9 am to buy tickets at Encore Records in Kitchener, expecting it to be relatively easy to get them at that location. I figure I was about 40th or 50th in line and managed to buy 4 tickets just before they ran out. There were another 50 people in line after me who weren't so lucky, including Pete and Tasha. :(

    Did anybody else get tickets?

    Peace, Mark

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