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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. I've been intending to post to this thread ever since returning from Ottawa on Sunday, but work and a nasty cold have gotten in the way ... plus every time I've tried to write something, I just couldn't find the words.

    Thanks to everyone in Harvard Mouse, Diesel Dog, and Organic Groove, along with all of the friends and fans from Southern Ontario that made the journey to Ottawa. It was like a dream come true to be able to "take the show on the road." At the end of the show Ike asked me what I thought of the night and the trip to Ottawa, and I said something like "I expected that it was going to be a great time, and it exceeded my expectations." Great travelling weather, amazing hospitality, lots of friends and fans and people out for the show, a sweet sounding room, etc. all combined to make the weekend a fabulous one.

    Thank you Ottawa!!! All weekend I couldn't help but think yet again about how fortunate I am to be a part of this amazing community. I can travel 6 hours away from my home and hook up with a whole bunch of people that I've met in person a fairly small number of times (if at all) but that I feel very connected to. What a treat, what a buzz, wow ... ok, this is where the words start to fail me ...

    Thank you everyone that was a part of this magical adventure ... I look forward to the next time!!!

    Peace, Mark

  2. Sharon and Mike,

    Thanks so much for treating us like rock stars while we were in Ottawa. Words cannot describe how wonderful the whole weekend was.

    Peace, love and hugs to both of you,


  3. Mark, you silly! That comment was MEANT to make you stressed and worried about Caitlin's impending teen years. See, you & Liana will go through it before we will so I can still be flippant.

    Hey Deb, I know that you were 'giving me the gears' with your post, I forgot to include a ;) in my reply. Your post made me smile and laugh, but it also got me thinking about sexuality issues as related to age and gender ... hence my babble of a reply.

    I may not be "young, dumb and full of cum" anymore... now I'm "older, bolder, and still can smolder".

    Paan, the above line makes me howl with laughter!

    Mark Tonin, this was such a good idea!

    Thanks to you bouche and to everyone else who didn't think that I was off my rocker when suggesting it and who helped to put it together ... it didn't really turn into a "festival express" but it's still going to be a blast!

    Peace, Mark

  4. aren't we all, in our minds, and more importantly, in our pants, all 'teeange boys'?

    Hmmm, I think I get your point Deb, but it does little to alleviate the stress and worry that I'm sure I'll feel at times as my daughter and then my son work through the 'horny, invincible, experimental teenage years.'

    To follow the train of thought down a different track ... I don't imagine that many teenage boys have a need for viagra ... or to follow it down yet another track, I'm reminded of a saying that an older man that I worked with used from time to time ... "young, dumb, and full of cum" ... so I have to disagree that we are all 'teenage boys' ...

    Peace, Mark

  5. Thanks Del ... I've jammed on and off with the guys in Harvard Mouse for the last 12 years ... the time together certainly provides a base for the possibility of some magical musical moments happening ... I've got my fingers crossed for some magical musical mousey moments in Ottawa!

    And yes, I'll be sticking around for the Dog, that's for sure! ;) :: :D

    Peace, Mark

  6. Wow, what a mix of excitement and nerves in this body of mine ... here's to getting through a busy week and then to a rip-roaring, raging good time in Ottawa ... so very much looking forward to playing and dancing and partying with everybody!

    Harvard Mouse will be starting at around 9:30, so I'm hoping that people can come early for this show (ok, now is it just me, or does every post seem to include some sort of sexual innuendo these days!).

    Come early, but make it last ... all night long! :: :D:)

    I'm hoping that you'll dig our brand of genetically modified jam rock, complete with deadly squeaks and improvisational train wrecks ... we have fun playing, and we hope that you'll have fun listening and dancing. If you don't enjoy it, well that's ok, we promise we'll still have fun playing! :: :D:)

    Peace, Mark

  7. I said it a few months ago, and I'll say it again ... in my humble opinion, BNB is one of the best, if not the best Canadian "jam" rock band out there these days, because they are so much more than a "jam" rock band.

    This band deserves a bigger audience. I'd love to hear them on a big stage, with a big pa, and with an audience primed and ready to let loose. Visions of a Phish concert come to mind ...

    Peace, Mark

  8. Unfu*kingreal!!!

    This pisses me off so much!!!

    How about this quote?!?

    < Ward says the Texas troopers' profiling program provides great help to the Mounties.

    "The Americans do a lot of this and have been doing it for quite some time. So there's a lot of opportunity on both sides of the border to become closer." >

    Absolutely, positively scary!

    Peace, Mark

  9. Lots of fun upstairs at the Lanc last night ... thanks to everyone that made it out to the show!

    Sorry you didn't make it Esau ... we'll connect at some point soon I am sure ... hopefully in Ottawa! ::!

    Special thanks to Josh for sitting in for a good chunk of the Harvard Mouse set, and to Floyd for joining us on stage as well. And thanks to everyone for the positive words of encouragement and support ... Harvard Mouse seems to be headed in a positive direction musically.

    bokonon ... thanks for helping out at the door (and Mich as well) and for your wonderful energy!

    Cheers to Organic Groove and to the people that joined the drum circles ... I thought they sounded great!

    Tungsten Gruvsten ... great sound as per usual, my friend.

    And the Fatties, what can I say that I haven't already said ... I love the Fatties! Nice to hear them play "As Much As This" from Cruelty's Cure ... I think I've got the right song title ... I don't think I've heard them play that one recently. I saw some smiles during that song from a few long time Fat Cats fans.

    Once again, I appreciate the support that people give these shows at the Lanc ... thanks!!!

    Peace, Mark

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