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Rob Not Bob

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Posts posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. Mark Kozelek is one of my all time favorite musicians and when he played Blluesfest before he played an acoustic set and was getting drowned out by Big Jeezus Truck playing on another stage. Hopefully this time it will be in a bit more sympathetic setting, especially now that I am more familiar with his Sun Kil Moon material. Am I the only one getting asked for a password on the Bluesfest website?

  2. Don't know if anyone besides me will care about this, but Poly Styrene, lead singer of UK Punk band X-Ray Spex, recently passed away from cancer. A great loss, she was an awesome songwriter, everyone should check out the song Germ Free Adolescents. RIP :(

  3. Sorry if already rumored - The Hip are doing shows in the neighborhood at that time with more announcements this week. Safe bet I'd say.

    Thus once again the Hip give me my much needed night off from BluesFest to rest and recuperate (barring something interesting on a side stage).

  4. Thank GOD that Two and a Half Men is cancelled. Why that show got a million seasons and Arrested Development got only 2.5 is a fucking travesty.

    FWIW, the show hasn't been cancelled, they have just shut down production for this season. Theoretically it's possible for it to come back for another season if things change. Unlikely, and I hope not because I don't like it any more than you do, but the option is still open.

  5. Awesome! I was too late to get in on the first run, but reserved a copy of the Just The Music version ... then, just in time for my bonus at work, they e-mailed me that some people had bailed on their reservations for the full version and I could pre-order it if I got in on time. The Big box will be mine! Anyone else get in on this?

  6. I recently got a Hunters & Collectors boxed set that includes as a bonus 2 DVDs, but as it was printed in Australia they are in PAL format. I can play them on my computer, but would love to have a copy I could watch on my TV. I have seen a couple of places in Ottawa advertising converting DVDs from PAL format to NTSC, can anyone reccommend a place that is reliable and not too expensive?

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