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Rob Not Bob

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Posts posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. and a desire to visit the cities he plays in.

    I respect that a great deal. I don't know how many rock biographies I have read that talk about going from the hotel to the bus to the arena to the bus to a hotel and NEVER seeing anything other than those things.

    "I saw a car and a room and a room and a car and a cheese sandwich" - John Lennon

  2. Having finally put together my own personal (tentative) schedule, it's actually a lot more crammed than I thought it would be. Since there are not as many big ticket shows of interest to me this year, I am purposely doing a lot more checking out of unfamiliar acts that look interesting and it is keeping me pretty busy.

    Anybody look at the site map? I am really concerned about sound bleed on the Subway stage.

  3. I can only spot 3 shows on the Claridge stage that I don't want to miss. Am I crazy, or is Huey Lewis, The Roots, and Flaming Lips the best things to play that stage?

    Dennis Coffey, July 9, don't know what he is like solo, but love his guitar work on old Motown sides

  4. there is so much going on in community that it takes multiple viewing to catch it all (which I rely upon others to do!). like the episode in which Ahmed was mostly missing, except that he was in the background of most scenes helping deliver a baby (whic he mentioned in last nights episode).

    Or the episode about the school election, with the news coverage and all of the jokes in the info-crawl.

    "Professor Slater still missing" "School dances down 200%"

  5. On the plus side, Mark Kozelek is on the Black Sheep stage, which tends to be sufficiently isolated to avoid sound bleed from other stages. Anyhow, still lots of holes to be filled, and while I certainly wouldn't call this year's lineup a knockout , there is enough going on that I think I will enjoy.

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