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Everything posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. awesome. Lets Go Canada.
  2. Mr. King... if you would trust my taste in music i would say GO! If i was in the GTA i'd be there in a heartbeat. The shows i have are alot of fun.
  3. I remember hearing a song or two on the online radio we listen to... radio paradise. Then someone posted on here about them several months ago and have enjoyed them ever since... not major hype but i like where the band is going.
  4. I'd be there if I was in the area... Ive been enjoying them for a while now... I as well got into The Ruminent Band first.
  5. GOLD!! Finally. That was freaking awesome! What a dramatic event with some killer air. Good times.
  6. I think that was an incredible performance... ive been glued to the TV watching this since i got home from work at 9:30... great job Canada. Im feeling proud and very impressed.
  7. we know what happened last time Bonobo came through...
  8. Mee too, wish we were back.
  9. the bus goes to Buffalo. The stations not far from Shea's either.
  10. Phone interview went well. I will hear early next week. Thanks for thinking of us.
  11. getting excited... wish me luck all, i have an interview to move to Lindsay tomorrow which would mean I just may be able to make this show...
  12. Cryit out had seriously worked at creating a routine with him. At first he would fall asleep on top of us watching tv and thats what it took to get him down. Then it became harder and harder to do that so we had to try something new. The method worked at creating a new routine after only 2 to 3 days. It was hard as a parent but we trudged on through. That was 6 months ago. Now, itys a whole new story. I value all the suggestions and ideas everyone, thank you. One thing that has worked the last couple of nights has been to cut out the second nap in the daytime... we are gonna roll with this for a bit and see what happens. Cheers, Bob
  13. Dont think you can actually make that move until he is officially put on IR... until them he could play anytime listed as day to day.
  14. Thanks for those words of wisdom SlaveTTG... very true.
  15. I kinda have a feeling this is a big part of it. He has been walking with our help lately.. all over the house to be exact. He loves to explore and is probably a month or two away from walking completely on his own... great thought.
  16. Now these are the suggestions I was hoping for. Thank you all. The routine has definitely stayed the same like you suggested Catphish... its really weird because after about a half hour he may wake up screaming one night or its two in teh morning the next. Some thoughts are because of teething and pain but I dont really think thats the case here. He has his sleep tunes such as the series of lullabies from Radiohead, Pink Floyd, The BEatles, The Beach Boys etc which are all fantastic for instilling calmness. He has a nightlight as well... so far so good tonight has gone well as he went down early. We celebrated his 1st birthday (this coming Wednesday) with some neighbours and he is pooped. Fingers crossed... thanks again everyone. Much appreciated.
  17. this is starting to feel like PT. thanks for the great suggestions guys... maybe i should try... Let me google that for you.
  18. OMG!!! We are talking screaming for up to an hour. We have lived by the cry it out method and it has worked pretty successfully until he reached 1... now, we are both about to rip our hair out. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. oh my head.
  19. That sounds about right Plomox... same shit happened to me when i lived in Oshawa after Phish 2000. All too familiar.
  20. Where are ya at you dirty wook? Where have your adventures gone? Do you not know some of us live through your sloppy drunken drug induced haze? Lazy bitch... can't get off your ass to entertain us anymore? chug.
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