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Everything posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. They probably bitched about all the money spent on him and that he sat half the year with injuries... they'd be better off getting young blood anyways.
  2. Great season for sure.... Congrats to DaveO and Booche for ending 1-2. DaveO summed it up nicely in that I was able to b caught due to man games.... not mention you and Booche had some super hot teams after the break. CAn't wait for next year.
  3. Killer end boys... good job! I'm calling a DaveO win today but thats just because I know I dont have the firepower today to pull it out
  4. Once again, if this was only 3 weeks later. Damn. I hope Rory keeps playing gigs like this around the city.
  5. looks like im officially dunzo.... running out of man games. ah well... it was a good run and ill learn for next year.
  6. no shit. You three have had a great stretch run... too bad i couldnt hold you off.
  7. yup there it is... 3rd place, 1.75 back and im down on man games to the leader. Miracles happen but im starting to hear the fat man tune his guitar.
  8. i'm going dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown tonight. I'm kinda gettin scared actually. Fack Malkin and his bullshit foot injury. Isnt supposed to play on the weekend and I sit him and he pulls 4 pool points... i dress him tonight and the bastard sits.
  9. Thanks zero for taking my really positive thread and twisting it to highlight your over the top hypocrisy. We almost forgot that the only things that are good are "all things zero". Cheers mate. Have fun at the show next week all... if only it was a couple of weeks later. I'll catch em next time around.
  10. im with ya badams... thinking 75 at the most. Alot of rebuilding ahead.... maybe even more than the Leafs
  11. the Jays are gonna win 100 games this year... anyone wanna bet? P.S. Just kidding.
  12. Pulled AAA Right Centre but our damn CC payment hadn't gone through... ah well, 10 dollar lawns in the lot for us. Hopefully see ya there Booche.
  13. Happy birthday guys... cheers to ya!
  14. Its ok, you can say it... thin PoG vs. Fat PoG. I'm ok with it... I had a baby... damn!
  15. I took it like the Downie pick was to be in purple... no one else? dave-O?
  16. LOL I was just coming here to talk smack about that game tonight... two back to back wins since he came back from injury and the second one was against the HABS!! Boo Ya!!!
  17. im with you there Whitey... but lets see what happens with him next year. History'd.
  18. yes to both. The place players come to put their careers on hold... Toronto.
  19. Thanks Sean... I love it, cant wait to DL'd. wait a minute, can you no longer dl'd these mixes and only stream?
  20. Presently on set 2 of... Zero 06-08-1994 Brownie's, Ardmore, PA Source: SBD > ? > CD > EAC > Flac Set 1: d1t01 Coles Law d1t02 Tangled Hangers d1t03 Tear Tags d1t04 Martin Speaks d1t05 Many Rivers To Cross Set 2: d1t06 Its Up To You d2t01 Martin Speaks d2t02 Tongue N Groove d2t03 Martin Speaks d2t04 Severe Tire Damage d2t05 Martin Speaks d2t06 After Midnight d2t07 Disconnectedy Blues d2t08 Berm Encore: d2t09 Greggs Eggs Notes: - Entire show without Judge Murphy - Jack Goldman sits in for Set 2.
  21. Awesome news Marge... Now the real fun begins. Enjoy every minute.
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