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Everything posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. I hope someone that only posts once that is so deserving wins.. such as myself.
  2. Do not go to ticketbastard for these tickets if you can help it... that is all...
  3. Happy Birthday my good man... sorry we couldnt meet up last week.. cheers to ya!
  4. hey Low Roller... looks like they are heading your way after they finish in Canada...
  5. nope no go... she went out as planned... apparently they gave her some BS that all the flights to Sitka were completely booked the next two days... yet when she got there her plane was half empty... Good to see you there too bro... its too bad you werent able to catch the next night... that was the shit... we'll se you around sometime...
  6. What im wondering is if they will only perform Radiodread because thats only about an hr of music... what will the rest of the night be filled out with? DJ's? Dub Side?
  7. Not sure if this has been posted here yet but the Easy Star AllStars will be at Lee's Palace on November 12... anyone in the TO area planning on going? Tickets are 18.50 plus at ticketbastard... If you are not familiar with them they will be performing Radiodread... OK Computer interpretted in dub.... they are most well known for a kick ass rendition of Dark Side of the Moon simply entitled Dub Side of the Moon...
  8. Well turns out we ended up trying the anchor bar the first night and they were some tasty meaty wings... nothing Local Heroes in Ottawa doesnt blow out of the water but the nastalgia was pretty fun... as a side note... if you are looking for great Pizza and kick ass steak hoagies and you are in Buffalo call Prima Pizza! Not too mention they sell beer with their delivery!!!
  9. Well now that Im home and back to work I have to comment on this crazy experience... waited a couple of months to see my girl again and she flies in from Alaska... whats the first thing she gets? rain... nothing shes not used to but obviously she was hoping for some warmer, sunny weather... so about 2 months ago I email the band telling them how she's flying in from AK and im heading down from Toronto and was wondering if there was any way they could tease or play our song Do You Realize by the Flaming lips... well after joking about it at set break and thinking of a sign to make up the second night they walk on stage and open set two with Yoshimi... we couldnt have been happier than pigs in shit at that moment... the first night had its highlights and was a good but not great moe. show which brings us to day 2... Look outside the hotel window in the early afternoon to find what... its snowing... oh so lightly and small flakes what a treat this early fall day... or so me thinks... then a few hours later, all hell breaks loose... we manage to get to a restaurant for some dinner before heading back for some pre drinks at the hotel... by the time we are ready to head to the show there was easily a foot of snow on the ground, wet snow at that and here i am with a choice of birks or chuck taylors for my feet... make it over to the show get inside, get warm, grab a drink and the band walks out with Rob exclaiming... Its Snowing... Its fucking snowing!! Let the record show its October 12th...What a treat the second night turned out to be... absolutely a killer show... obviously there was something missing with Al not playing guitar but the setlist was kickin me in the face all night... show ends and back out into hell... Day 3... Nothing at all going on in this crazy city... we tried to go out for a quick walk to find some food but nothing anywhere was open... turned out to be a day of 12.99 in room movies and running out of beer.. at least until the pizza place that was open later in the evening was able to deliver some over... thank you Prima Pizza... we owe you huge! Woke up the next day to the snow almost melted away in downtown Buffalo but the craziness had just begun for the city and surrounding areas... its a shame that many, hundreds of thousands still have no power 5 days later... all in all it was one crazy experience and a big thank you to moe. for creating the grooves to move... if you made it this far thanks for reading my ramble... I can't wait for snoe.down!
  10. Happy belated Del... hope you are keeping well! Cheers to ya!
  11. What a fantastic idea AM!! Thanks for the generosity... now bring me some DBT!
  12. You all suck... Alas, ive found my long lost brother...
  13. Ive been around brother... its been too long... we'll have to have a pint sometime soon and talk about hippie music...
  14. Heather, my thoughts and prayers are with you this Thanksgiving... sorry to hear...
  15. What do you know about haight Ashbury there dude? Shouldn't you be somewhere down in the bayou?
  16. Definitely a downer for Al and the band but what could come out of this is definitely exciting... I cannot wait for Wednesday night!!
  17. For anyone heading down for the shows, if you wanna hook up for a pint give us a call at the Adams Mark Hotel... the room will be under Melinda Stephens... will be there Tuesday through Saturday...
  18. Yup I agree... Even after only one game id be ready to shop for a scorer for Sundin... Kubina should help the defense with his return tonight... im still excited about Maurice as coach... we'll see if he can turn em around...
  19. I can help out in the shwa for you Jay... drop me a pm with details on what you need...
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