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Everything posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. That would be me too there Booche! Hopefully TPB will be playing in Buffalo when im there for moe. I turned Mellie onto them when I was in Alaska and she cant get enough of Bubbles...
  2. Cheers to ya brother, all the best!
  3. Very jealous.... good to hear the show was smokin PhunkyB!!
  4. Right on brother man... now get outta your place so i can start moving upstairs!!
  5. Wow Kev... u really know how to dig brother... you really just might be the next Bradm...
  6. actually Kev's is quite scary at how close it is!!
  7. Well mine is going to overwhelmingly be the new Beck release!!! Its out on the 3rd and as i listen to it right now I am absolutely loving everything about it and im only on track 6... what has been hot for you this year?
  8. Well ive gotta admit... this album really didnt do much for me then or now... Nirvana, while obviously talented musicians and found a great niche were not a band that moved me at all... when this album came out I was heavily into the Dead and bands of the 60's and 70's as I just finished High School... It definitely does have its place in history though!
  9. Not sure if this has been posted yet but there was tonnes of controversy regarding the policing at this years festival... pretty scary! Taken from jambands.com Wakarusa Responds To Reports of Police High-tech Surveillance The promoters of the Wakarusa Music and Camping Festival have issued a statement in response to published reports that police used "hidden-camera, night-vision and thermal-imaging equipment" on the festival site. Wakarusa's Brett Mosiman explains: As many of you know, there were law enforcement and accompanying security issues at this year's event. Some of these issues continue to make headlines, and regrettably, create controversy. As organizers of the festival, it is very disappointing that these issues have taken away from what otherwise has been a highly praised and truly special event. We cannot tell you how truly sorry we are that these issues occurred at Wakarusa this year and we sincerely apologize to everyone for any violations of your rights and privacy. To give you some background, we were informed that there would be an increased law enforcement presence at this year's event. Initially, we were supportive of this when it was presented as an effort to increase the safety of everyone in attendance. It quickly became apparent that law enforcement's primary mission wasn't the safety of the festival goers. We must make it perfectly clear that we did not know of any of the specific measures, tactics or instruments the various law enforcement agencies used at the event. More importantly, Wakarusa does not believe such tactics and equipment were necessary and does not support their use. If there are not significant assurances that similar procedures won’t materialize in the future, we will not host another Wakarusa Music and Camping Festival. There is simply no justification for these types of tactics to be used on an otherwise courteous and peaceful crowd. These actions are not what Wakarusa is about. Wakarusa has always took pride in being a fan friendly event – we like to say, "a festival for music fans by music fans†and we mean it to our core. Wakarusa is a special event hosted in a very special setting and we do appreciate the vision of those local officials who allow Wakarusa to exist and to flourish. The festival has also benefited dozens of charities and not for profit groups. In the future, we hope to expand our mission of supporting great endeavors such as environmental causes, sustainable living models, and music education. In essence, this is an event that deserves everyone’s respect and support. We are searching for moral, political and legal support to help us resolve the issues we all faced this year. As before, we will continue to listen to your concerns and work with the authorities to make Wakarusa an event we all can be proud of. Our annual mission is to make Wakarusa one of the best, safest and most enjoyable events in the country. We sincerely appreciate your loyal support during the past three years and we hope we can maintain your trust and respect as we work through our growing pains. Mosiman will address some of these concerns in an online chat this Friday, September 22 at 2:30 p.m. central, via the Lawrence Journal World website.
  10. This stuff is hilarious... now if only i knew how to play with photoshop i could add a Phish shirt to a half passed out dude and it would be me hooray! Im votring for Booche and Dima so far... Booche, ur lookin sexy!
  11. Happy Day Mr Fluff!! Cheers to ya!
  12. Well it is the ONLY Phish video ever made. for mass release that is...
  13. 3 night run in Buffalo for Mellie and me yippie!!
  14. Indoor show was actually Our Lady Peace at Durham College.. absolutely rediculous... outdoor was easily the Who i believe in eiether 89 or the early 90's at Exhibition Stadium... crazy Loud... sidenote to that, anyone catch their accoustic number on Letterman last night... not too bad...
  15. Re living the Phish comeback from the hiatus gig at MSG.... at the moment in the middle of Guyute... And u?
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