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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. that sounds more like a win to me!
  2. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/jun/06/england-world-cup-2010-referee
  3. or we've boith consumed exactly the same amount of artificial stimulae!!!
  4. I feel like I should be eating a Bubba's poutine after this I also thought I saw BradM purposefully walking past the stage a coupla times. If not, he's got a silhouette twin with the same gait
  5. who's got my heady california sunshine
  6. BYOB check BYOT check Gut full of fettuccine AlCrystal check bring it on muthafuckas!
  7. While I don't think of myself as an athlete I, for one, hereby admit to using performance enhancing drugs. I won't say what kind as I'm fairly busy at work today.
  8. This just in– Low Rain likes to focus on manfest goodness!! Sausage partyers look out
  9. Hey hey hey Calamity was a nickname that was used back when he was playing too many video games in his spare time and it affected his concentration on the pitch Alllllll that's behind him now.
  10. happy birthday Esau?!? quick, ollie, start a thread! (dibs on Catalyst of Negative Assumptions, DB and the Thunderflurry Five's sophomore album)
  11. heady chug vibage to all {{{{ :chug: }}}} and while we're at it {{{{ :surprise: }}}}
  12. "A German sewage plant has unveiled a new scheme to speed up the sewage process - by playing Mozart to their microbes," Orange News U.K. reports. "Officials believe the composer's music helps to stimulate activity among the tiny organisms that break down waste, the Markische Allgemeine newspaper said. It is hoped that Mozart's soothing symphonies and operas will drive down energy costs at the waste-treatment facility in Treuenbrietzen, southwest of Berlin. Classics such as The Magic Flute and The Marriage of Figaro are being piped in around the clock, via a series of speakers designed to replicate the acoustics of a concert hall. The scheme was developed by scientists at German firm Mundus who say microbes are particularly partial to harmonies and rhythms."
  13. I'd prefer Louis van Gaal to Roy Hodgson or Martin O'Neill but none of them would be a bad choice, I think.
  14. nice, i'd like this series to go as long as possible
  15. New York Times correction, 2010/05/10 Because of an editing error, the On Soccer column on Thursday, about England’s mixed view of the game in the United States, referred incorrectly in some copies to John Harkes, one of the first Americans to play professional soccer in England, and to one of the teams for which he played. He arrived in England in 1990 to play for Sheffield Wednesday; he did not arrive “in England to play at Sheffield on Wednesday.â€
  16. Cole was never worth 40 if you ask me, maybe 15ish
  17. I heard it's a straight swap- Bennynoon for Cole
  18. yeah it's all these delicate flowers driving their hungover heads around, filling up the streets
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