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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. What bouche isn't telling you is that by "seventies" he means fahrenheit
  2. 'The Georgia House Judiciary Committee took up a bill last week that would "prohibit requiring a person to be implanted with a microchip," and would make violating the ban a misdemeanor. The Journal-Constitution reports that things started getting weird when a woman who described herself as a resident of DeKalb County told the committee: "I'm also one of the people in Georgia who has a microchip." Apparently no lawmaker took this as a warning sign, and she was allowed to continue her testimony. "Microchips are like little beepers," the woman told the committee. "Just imagine, if you will, having a beeper in your rectum or genital area, the most sensitive area of your body. And your beeper numbers displayed on billboards throughout the city. All done without your permission." "Ma'am, did you say you have a microchip?" state Rep. Tom Weldon ® asked the woman. "Yes, I do. This microchip was put in my vaginal-rectum area," she replied. No one laughed. State Rep. Wendell Willard ®, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, asked her who had implanted the chip. "The Department of Defense," she said. Willard thanked the woman for her input, and the committee later approved the bill' - Talking Points Memo.com
  3. Charlestown Chiefs, but it's a good point nonetheless
  4. the Sadies in Bagtown would be tremendous
  5. i find if you limit yourself to 19-20 tankhouses the hangover isn't tooooo bad
  6. he's trying to be funny i suspect it won't be a huuuuge crowd but certainly bigger than the WSP turnout 2 yrs ago
  7. maybe they'll still have the late night stuff in the market on that Monday
  8. Schwa.- they probably got in before it started crashing BWM- Levon clashing with Rush is painful but I'm pretty sure Levon will win out for CatPhish and me (I might have to do half and half)
  9. I heard there were plenty of UFOs hovering around when it all went down
  10. is that geek speak in a sports forum?!?!?
  11. ...I'll mail you my 18 yr old cassette of Blonde on Blonde that sat on the dsahboard of my old car for 6 months so you can appreciate that organ a bit more, Greg
  12. ppffftttt... Bloomfield...some 'fan' you are, dude
  13. SOCCER Canadian players show alarming pattern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAUL JAMES Ali Gerba's recent interview with Kristian Jack from The Score television network should be displayed in the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame as testament to how difficult it can be to coach soccer players in this country in the 21st century. Gerba regurgitated what many disgruntled Canadian soccer players do when they have been cut or released. It's the hard training, the coach, the coaching style, the tactics and the creme de la creme of reasons - too much running. The sense of entitlement Gerba displays in the interview is unrealistic. His assertion that director of soccer Mo Johnston and head coach Predrag (Preki) Radosavljevic would likely be fired by Toronto FC and that he would in fact return to the club highlights an unrealistic perspective but one that is remarkably consistent with how some Canadian players view playing for their country, as though it is their right instead of an honour. Ironically, this interview took place a day after TFC's designated player, Julian de Guzman, reportedly pulling in more this year than most of his teammates combined, cowardly jumped out of the way of a free kick that ostensibly prevented Toronto FC from gaining any points in their encounter with the Colorado Rapids. Not that all Canadian soccer players have the same mentality as Gerba but really, it is an alarming pattern. The next thing we know Gerba's mother will be calling Johnston for an explanation of what is happening or de Guzman's father will be relaying tactical information gleaned from his son's playing time in Spain. When viewed objectively, Gerba's naive and audacious suggestion of his imminent return to Toronto FC illustrated a delusional way of thinking. Never once does he take responsibility for himself or suggest why he has been through 11 teams in 10 seasons. He was right on one issue though - Johnston has made mistakes during his tenure with Toronto FC. He sure has and the signing of Gerba was one of them. Johnston clearly has put the Toronto FC team and squad in place without too much thought beyond listening to the wrong people and without any understanding of what it takes to create the right culture. The signing of de Guzman could well be the biggest mistake of his tenure, as the return on the high-priced investment so far is bordering on zero. Preki, meanwhile, appears to have a better understanding, but having inherited such a dysfunctional group to begin with, he was forced to move players out. However, moving so many players out at one time could prove to be a mistake because without sufficient talent you cannot win either. It really is a balancing act. Eventually Preki could assemble a team in his image but it requires some patience and smarts. Many years from now, when Canada eventually qualifies for a senior men's World Cup finals again, history will show that the watershed moment for the change in attitude, within our soccer culture, came from Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment's decision to enter Major League Soccer. The Vancouver Whitecaps and Montreal Impact following suit will be viewed as professionalizing the game from coast to coast with the right attitude and mentality. Blame Johnston for a lack of due diligence, for signing the wrong players, for moving out the Jeff Cunninghams, the Edson Buddles and Conor Caseys of the world - after all, that is what the fans wanted - but to blame him for signing Preki as the new coach, well, it is very premature. Likewise, blaming Preki for his training being too hard or for demanding too much would merely be a microcosm of how our industry has devolved over the past 25 years. The tail has wagged the dog for far too long.
  14. ...how do you think they came up with 'real life sound effects'? I still haven't seen a dime in royalties though
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