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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I've decided that my next art project will be constructd entirely out of 4-5 different kinds of cheese in the shape of the son of god, tentatively named Cheeses Christ watch this space
  2. well tomorrow's saucey day, some great suggestions, however I think MsZimmy's deserves special mention for it's munchies-inducing cleverness who says there's no such thing as a perpetual motion machine?!?
  3. I hope your leg heals quickly, Schwa.
  4. happy birthdaze, boys I heard BradM is shaving his beard for the occasion
  5. totally had me going there!
  6. Apparently Arshavin's got a twitter or summat that gets pretty highlarious...or maybe i need to get out more... 'Question: Hi, do you like horses? Have you ever ridden them? If not, do you want to try? If you want to ask me something, feel free to do it 'Arshavin: Actually, I once rode a horse bareback in the village. It was very slippery, I was a small boy then, I was barely holding its mane when suddenly it bolted and I almost fell into a pile of manure. After that, I never sat on the horse again.' 'Question: What do you think of ideological anarchism? 'Arshavin: In order to give you an exhaustive explanation, I should thoroughly study this subject. So far I can't say anything.' 'Question: I had a dream tonight and for some reason, your face was all covered in freckles! My question is: do you have freckles? If you do, do you always have them or they just appear in the springtime? 'Arshavin: Perhaps it was a color dream, where there was a lot of sun, because I have freckles only when I sunbathe a lot.' 'Question: Do you have a yellow rubber duck in your bathroom? Arshavin: Yes, how do you know?' 'Question: Can A.A. jump out of my birthday cake? Arshavin: It's unlikely; I'm a football player, not a minstrel or a clown.' 'Question: Andrey, how can one talk to you personally? Arshavin: Hi.'
  7. just pulling a NERO SOLD OUT there Slothypoo
  8. I hear Shrek McRooney's out of the WC now Heskey'll have to step up, big time
  9. Schwa. and c-towns finally settle on halloween costumes and decide to party in the dinosaur park
  10. I'll trade 2 under 20s for 20+s plus $50
  11. pfft, you're not a real fan unless your tickets are 20 or under
  12. i'm getting a flashback just thinking about this
  13. dude if you somehow knocked Coulter up the sprog would be born with a 666 on its forehead and I don't mean that as an insult
  14. I'd like "Bonanza" to be in there somewhere, maybe Barrett's Bacon & Beer BBQ Bonanza
  15. this thread is in serious need of some rubberdinghy!
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