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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. now we're getting somewhere!
  2. come to think of it, i've never seen c-towns and Kevin Smith in the same room together.... coincidence?!?
  3. I had a tough time choosing the bit rate, dave, hadn't done that sorta thing before. And sorrrrrry for the title, typos happen dude [/predictable response]
  4. Well if Manny's not going to be there, neither will I
  5. HOW DID I FORGET BACON!?!? Barrett's Bacon BBQ sauce!!! million dollar idea in the making, pholks
  6. good thoughts what spices though eh? chili powder, maybe a bit of smoked paprika, tiny pinch of cumin, cayenne, onion/garlic powder worstershire sauce monosodium glutamate sodium benzoate BHT colour artificial flavourings [color:#cccccc]kidding about those last 5 of course might have to try some variations
  7. Anyone do their own? I always feel like I'm cheating using a store bought kind, although I do tend to add to them. With the amount of tomatos we had last year I'm thinking that putting our own stamp on a sauce might be in order this year I like the fact that there's a lot of give in these kinds of recipes Thinking tomatos brown sugar apple cider vinegar lotsa pepper, just a bit of salt garlic onion chili seeds for heat beer?
  8. I figured the cheering was the sound of c-towns getting cut off
  9. well that explains some of the things that come out of your mouth Congrats and god bless eh
  10. I think it's embarrassing that someone like that even gets to talk at a post-secondary institution
  11. I was amused when I read that it got shut down due to security concerns- good on the protesters was my initial reaction I think this filthy racist bint should simply be ignored. End of.
  12. Davey Boy 2.0


    A British scientist is developing a drink that he claims will give a similar kick to spirits but without the harmful effects, Maurice Chittenden writes for The Sunday Times of London. "The small liquid shot would give the same lift as a few drinks after work. But those enjoying its benefits could then take an antidote before driving home. There would be no hangover and no damage to the liver. David Nutt, chairman of the government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs until he was dismissed last year, is developing his synthetic alcohol at Imperial College London. He says the 'Nutt slammer' could be on the market by the end of 2012 if money is available for clinical trials."
  13. A British company is prepared to pay a couch potato nearly L 24,000 (around $37,000) a year to do nothing but eat 400 extra calories of greasy food a day, such as Chinese take-out, fish and chips, and pizza. The hired candidate will "work" from home, testing a fat-binding diet supplement for Proactol Ltd., a spokesman for the company told The Daily Telegraph. "Every day will feel like a holiday in this job," he said.
  14. Balloon Guy added a lot of colour to the room, I thought
  15. doh, LR beat me to the punch But seriously though, did either of you see any "players" in the incident in question? I only heard about it afterward Summary: this couple came in off the street later on in the night (my name was in the window), & went down to the bathroom downstairs for a BJ. One of the store owners had asked who they were and the dude replied, "It's all good, I know Dave" They got kicked to the curb but that's about all I know. I figured it was a couple of skanks/Skanks, but wasn't sure what sort...
  16. Yeah your buddy there looked like he had enough on his plate without that kinda trouble, c-towns
  17. Great, good turnout, went through lotsa booze thanks in no small part to skanks The photos look good on the wall. The one in the window is pretty near ideal and looks particularly good after dark, lit up and all. There was only one sexual incident and I didn't have to deal with it, so that's good.
  18. I've always wanted to make a Visine kinda ad with a mish mashed rogue's gallery... a short TV could be done hilariously as well
  19. i pleaded with mike to delete your account for months but nooooooooooooo
  20. Me and Velvet were friends in our thirties
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