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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Keep on rockin', buddy you are a model retiree
  2. Davey Boy 2.0

    Foie Gras

    AD: bravo Michel:
  3. Davey Boy 2.0

    Foie Gras

    uuuuuhhhhhhhh go fuckaduck?!?!?!?!???
  4. Davey Boy 2.0

    Foie Gras

    the difference is that the other animals you list don't get tubes shoved down their throat, & aren't force-fed to the point where their liver become engorged you have a choice to buy free range chickens whose life i would imagine are far far faaaaaaaar better than those foie gras geese
  5. Davey Boy 2.0

    Foie Gras

    humblest of apologies mon ami
  6. you guys are like soooo connected man
  7. Davey Boy 2.0

    Foie Gras

    that may be the most biased article I've read in the last....... few days. the writer obviously gets starry eyed with 'celebrated restaurateurs' and makes her feelings known about the [shady] protester 'who is from "out West"" then needlessly name drops at the end— apropos of nothing– "prime minister's exiting strategy chief, Patrick Muttart" that said foie gras is a very ugly side of the fine dining industry
  8. Actually we just hid it from visitors like you
  9. how about sharon's blue bikini bottoms, Ã la Gateaux?!?
  10. "own belongings"?!?!? that's potentially only unilaterally funny
  11. ... for the entire offseason that may be going a bit far how 'bout just for the playoffs
  12. the loser has to download AND listen to every single second of every show that BradM posts in the Cavern
  13. Hmm, maybe it was someone experiencing a WATER SPOUT
  14. whoa whoa whoa, Basher waaaay too late for that now!
  15. RC: can't wait to see Basher's youtube effort
  16. What the hell's going on down there, Punky PEIster? Is there a general sense of uprising? Is there a palpable sense of social unrest and mutiny in the furtherest reaches of the island? Post here before you burn any cars, Chris
  17. ... I mean win... you know what I mean
  18. away goals count for more though, so if it's 1-1 on agg and one team scored their goal away (as Barca did) they get the win Fireman Tom
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