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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. I do remember Miss Grundy, and I remember I liked them, but I can't remember what they sounded like or who was in it. I think they only existed briefly, did they not?

    lets see how my memory will do here.. Miss Grundy was:

    Andy Gorham - Organ

    Matt (can't remember his last name) - Drums and Vocals

    Gord Troupe - Drums

    Guy Short - Guitar and Vocals

    and this guy on Bass I can't remember his name (he played bass for The Boogiemen there at the end)

    they were essentially a rock band.. but quirky/funky rock.. they did the best cover of Frankenstein I've ever heard..

    and yeah.. short lived.. I think they only lasted like 6 months or so.. certainly less than a year. I was in a band with Andy at the time, and had just finished in a band with Gord.

  2. just got this in the email.. found it funny.. thought I'd share it here:

    GOP Convention Schedule

    6:00pm - Opening prayer

    6:15pm - Supplemental opening prayer

    6:30pm - Prayer in thanks of first two prayers

    6:45pm - New energy policy presented by Exxon

    7:00pm - Canonization of Reagan

    7:15pm - Additional prayers

    7:30pm - Opening remarks by Halliburton

    8:00pm - Prayer for the safety and well-being of Ken "Kenny-boy" Lay

    8:15pm - Additional remarks by Halliburton

    8:30pm - Stoning of the first homosexual

    8:45pm - New healthcare polices presented by HMO leader, Kaiser Permanente

    9:00pm - Invasion of Iran or North Korea (TBA)

    9:15pm - Halliburton contributes $1.4 billion to Republican party

    9:30pm - Reagan elevated to savior, Holy Trinity now referred to as "The Quads"

    9:45pm - Bush undergoes plastic surgery to look more like Reagan

    10:00pm - Cheney runs into Ron Reagan, Jr. Tells him to go fu©k himself

    10:15pm - Recall of troops from accidental invasion of South Korea (Bush: "Damn, the SOUTH is our ally. My bad.")

    10:30pm - Burning at the stake of 16 year-old Jenny Williams, who had an illegal abortion after being raped by her cousin

    10:45pm - Dancing around the golden calf

    11:00pm - Stoning of the partner of the first homosexual

    11:15pm - New forestry policy presented by Weyerhaeuser

    11:45pm - Thanking God for his wisdom in choosing Bush as president

    12:00pm - Closing prayers (lasting until 2:00am)

    2:00 am - Hookers arrive for all delegates

  3. The Crowd will be playing two gigs at this years Limestone City Blues Festival.

    On Friday we will be playing Stages on Friday night, starting around 10:00pm and on Saturday we will be playing in the Market Square from 7:00pm until 7:40pm (opening for Jack de Keyzer, who is opening for Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown).

    Festival passes are $7.00 and cover the entire weekend I believe.

    If you make it out please come up and say hi. I'll be the guy blowing the big ol' baritone :)

  4. ok.. that headline is a bit of an exageration.. here is the article

    Matthews Band sued over waste dumping

    Bus driver allegedly dumped excrement into Chicago River

    Wednesday, August 25, 2004 Posted: 8:24 AM EDT (1224 GMT)

    CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- The state of Illinois sued the Dave Matthews Band on Tuesday for allegedly dumping up to 800 pounds of liquid human waste from a bus into the Chicago River, dousing a tour boat filled with passengers.

    The lawsuit accuses the band and one of its bus drivers of violating state water pollution and public nuisance laws. It seeks $70,000 in civil penalties.

    "Our driver has stated that he was not involved in this incident," band spokesman John Vlautin said in a statement. He said the band "will continue to be cooperative in this investigation."

    According to the lawsuit, on August 8 a bus leased by the band was heading to a downtown hotel where members were staying. As the bus crossed the Kinzie Street bridge, the driver allegedly emptied the contents of the septic tank through the bridge's metal grating into the river below.

    More than 100 people on an architecture tour were showered with foul-smelling waste. The attorney general's office said no one was seriously injured.

    "This incident may be unique, but that does not lessen the environmental or public health risks posed by the release of at least 800 pounds of liquid human waste into a busy waterway and onto a crowded tour boat," Attorney General Lisa Madigan said in a statement.

    After the incident, the boat's captain turned the vessel around and took passengers back to the dock. Everyone received refunds, and the boat was cleaned with disinfectant.

    read it here http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/Music/08/25/bus.waste.ap/index.html

  5. Hi Everyone,

    Just want to let you all know that The Crowd, the 12 piece classic r&b band I play in, will be rockin out at The The Rainbow (76 Murray St. in the Market) tomorrow evening (Thursday, August 26th).

    I believe that The Rainbow is trying to keep all of their weekday shows (Sunday - Thursday) to 9-11 so that you can come out and see the whole show and still be in bed by a reasonable hour, but I don't know for sure.

    Anyway.. if you've got nothing else to do why don't you drop by.

  6. ok.. so I posted my Coventry adventure in that thread last week, you can read it there if you want. But I'm posting specifically about this guy who really helped us out.

    While we were running around looking for a place to park our car along with everyone else we ran into this great guy in Newport (just north of the festival area) named Doug.

    Doug owns a real estate company and let us park in his parking lot free of charge (most places were charging around $20 for parking.. some as high as $75). On top of that, he then gave us a ride down to the barricade, so we only had a 2 mile hike as supposed to the 3 or so it would have been from downtown Newport.

    So.. I, without him knowing, scammed a business card so now I have a copy of his address and what not.

    I really want to send him something special for being such a great guy. It doesn't have to be much. If he lived in another part of the US a small thing of maple syrup would be perfect (what with me from Canada and all). But since Vermont makes great maple syrup I don't think it would have the same impact.

    Anyway.. I'm looking for any and all ideas on what to send Doug as a thank you for being such a great guy.

  7. Well Pat let's see... it was 1991, I was 15, we played some originals and Kim Mitchell's "Rock N Roll Duty" en route to winning a battle of the bands, won some recording time. I'd say it was the pinnacle of my music career. :D

    I'm jealous.. I've yet to win a battle of the bands.. or even cover some Kim Mitchell.. but I keep chaising that rainbow :)

  8. cool.. I'm hoping we'll get a more blues/live music oriented crowd for our gig.. but if the bluesfest is on and that's an official club I'm sure it won't be the standard frat boy out for a ripper kinda night.. but we'll see :)

    how was you gig there Dave-O?

  9. Ontario unfortunately.. no offense to the k-town crew, but I'd rather it be Jamaica

    anyway.. the r&b band I play in (The Crowd) has got two gigs at the Kingston blues festival (sorry.. the " Limestone City Blues Festival")

    Anyway.. one of our gigs is at this club called Stages.. has anyone been there? is it a good room? nice and big? we are a big band so we need lots of room.

    any info I could get on the place would be great. I'm really pumped to be playing the Kingston bluesfest.. I love Kingston and have always found it to be a killer live music town

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