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Everything posted by ollie

  1. In your experience right? Well so much for honest debate. I might "dig" you but I don't misconstrue my point to do so. Not that I actually know what you're referring to here anyway. Are you admitting that there are that many examples out there? Mighty big of you.
  2. I'll leave on this positive note then... I agree.
  3. Was your first line the one that said the quality of healthcare in Canada sucks compared to the USA? Sorry, I'll question that everytime. But in the words of can-o-phish my line about letting debate breath "was commenting in general towards Birdy's posts, not just health care..."
  4. I feel like I'm debating a Leafs fan. Sorry... now that was low.
  5. That's exactly how it comes off when you lump us all together and use words like bias and regurgitate. Like I said, I think you'd find more variety in the debate here if you didn't jump on very anti-Harper comment and let the discussion breath a little.
  6. This is the part I disagree with. Birdy was using anecdotal evidence to support her claim that the QUALITY of our health care system sucks. If that counts as solid fact then so does my anecdotal evidence.
  7. I'm just saying if you want to call yourself Libertarian then you should act like one.
  8. By saying there's a bias here are you questioning the sincerity of other's opinions? It seems to me you are and I find that awfully condescending. Here's a definition of regurgitation I found, and I think this is the spirt in which it was used by you: Because that kind of low blow irritates the hell out of me.
  9. How so? That's great. I hope it works out. But if it doesn't do you want the federal gov't to force doctors to work there?
  10. What is the municipality of Chatham doing to attract doctors? Instead of clamouring for the fed gov't to "fix things" how about using some of that Libertarian spirit to see what can be done at the grass roots level to attract doctors to the area.
  11. I'm not picking on you. Believe me, I bite my tongue way more than not when you're involved in a thread. I honestly think they'd be more variety in the debate on this forum if you weren't so polarizing. Are the anti-Dion ads produced by the CPC desparate? I bet you can't say yes.
  12. Still works fine for me. Try the direct link to the registration form: https://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/insnum-regnum-eng
  13. Thank you for the common sense. Wish I'd pointed that out but Birdy makes my brain go mush.
  14. The thing is, Zaphod's is a great place. I was reminded of that on Saturday. If only Eugene would stay in the shadows...
  15. This isn't about affordability. It's about the actual level/quality of care provided. I don't honestly 'get' how you can vehemently disagree over this. Because if you can't AFFORD care then you get no care. How is that a good, or even better, thing?
  16. Kinda like the Dion ads that are taken totally out of context? I so wish you could be consistent. This is an example of what I find so infuriating about your style.
  17. Birdy, I don't disagree that the system needs fixing. I disagree that the American system is better. Vehemently.
  18. What would be the best/closest hotel to stay at for the Kingston show?
  19. I registered my number in under a minute. Do it!
  20. ollie


    Back to my original question... do we really need TSN2 when TSN1 is/was already riddled with bowling, darts, strongman competitions, dog shows and, worst of all, poker? Is TSN2 a premium channel? i.e. Will it cost more?
  21. Yet you seem to judge the healthcare system based entirely on rural experience. I'm just asking for a little balance. If the average experience for most users falls between our two extremes then I'd still say that's a very good system. And at least everyone is afforded some protection. Glad to hear your scare turned out ok, btw. AD, I'd be interested in the particulars of that case but I'd guess you probably don't have that information.
  22. They will be on CBC so I presume so. I'm hoping someone picks up the Sens/Frolunda game on Thursday.
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