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Everything posted by ollie

  1. And I was too hungover to go to the last game.
  2. ollie


    Any of you knobs seen it yet?
  3. I don't think the dutchie will make it back that far. What's the name of the brewery that makes Dragon's Breath? The old Hart brewery in Carleton Place used to brew it under contract years ago and I miss it!!
  4. ollie


    I keep seeing ads for this but can't find it on my "dial". What's the story? Don't they already have enough filler on regular TSN?
  5. Sounds like assembly line medicine designed to maximize profits. I prefer to spend more time with my doctor, not less. I had a concern last July, called my doctor and had an appointment two hours later. After the visit he had me schedule an appointment for a full check-up. There was a 3 week wait for that, on account of me going on vacation and not being able to get in earlier. Our health care system rocks and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
  6. I owe you an apology Birdy. I spent some time on Free Dominion this morning and the majority of posters are nothing like you. They actually show the capacity to be critical of Harper.
  7. 13th row, centre section for Kingston. Never been there before! Woo hoo!
  8. Only the ones with candy floss between their ears.
  9. How do you know this Ollie? It's my natural business savvy.
  10. Not at all. My point is there are better alternatives to the parking situation downtown. I'd rather take a 30 minute hike to my car after a game than SIT in it trying to get out of a Stadium parking lost. There's no "aside from the steal of a deal". That's why he's doing it. It doesn't make sense though because he'll never attract 30K out there.
  11. You could park at Bank & Queensway, walk to Landsdowne and still have a better experience than being stuck in a field in Kanata.
  12. Bah... bad timing for me all of a sudden. Have fun AD!
  13. Funny because I came in here to say that I thought it was one of the better one hour episodes but maybe that was all the hoppy beer I drank.
  14. ollie


    It's my favourite style. Thanks for the tip! Drinking a Dogfish 60 right now... delish! Also picked up a sixer of Rogue Dead Guy Ale, first time I've seen it outside the tall bottle format. At LCBO Rideau & King Edward. Ask for the Dogfish if you don't see it. I took the last six but they usually have more in the back.
  15. Oh yeah, Spurs looked woeful considering they had to hang out against Newcastle. Still, a cup tie away from home is never going to be easy. The first half was dire though, wasn't it? And back to Pavly... specifically loved his backfist to the face of Capuccino as revenge for getting hoofed in the grobs earlier in the game.
  16. St. Bock pub on St. Denis is great for beer. Check pollstar.com for concerts.
  17. I don't. I used one at work for three years and think they are great. It's the incessant fanboy-ism and pretension that they aren't prone to they're own problems that I hate. I also loved Tax-Man on the IIc.
  18. Oops, I forget, let me see who I picked first...
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