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Everything posted by ollie

  1. There was a "Go Sens Go!" chant at the Jon Lajoie concert the other weekend.
  2. I'm saying Kevin is a big doody head if that clears things up.
  3. Karma's a bitch Kev! No wonder the Leafs haven't won the cup.
  4. ollie

    New LPC Leader?

    I get the impression this is just the position she's angling for.
  5. ollie

    New LPC Leader?

    Where does the notion that Bob Rae has appeal come from? He looks like a tosser and it's way too easy to take shots at his NDP past. Please tell me what is so good about Rae. I don't even think I could vote for my local Lib with this dude in power. What about Frank McKenna?
  6. I never said I liked him as a Leaf! He just made Montreal an interesting team for once.
  7. F'in jakis picked him up this morning.
  8. I liked the Habs when Doug Gilmour was on the team. Now that was fun to watch.
  9. Everytime I scroll past those penis-head Habs I get the willies.
  10. Is Mavericks selling tickets yet?
  11. Thanks! Looks like a greatest hits setlist for sure. Still undecided.
  12. Fri Nov 21 Toronto, Koolhaus Sat Nov 22 Ottawa, Civic Centre Tickets for Ottawa go on sale at 10am tomorrow. Dunno about TO. Anyone know what he's playing these days? Full band or solo? I don't know if it would be worth it to hear a couple of Soundgarden songs, assuming he still plays those.
  13. I think this is called the "we have you bent over a barrel" charge.
  14. Awesome. Who'd you vote for?
  15. "and uh... keep up the good work" - Jean Beliveau to Dave Randorff was awesome.
  16. The final debate is tonight. Should be good.
  17. I, for one, thought your comment was pretty funny.
  18. Founded in 1983 according to Wiki. I'd guess that's right because they've been around ever since I've been politically aware. Lizzie didn't join until 2006.
  19. Except the Green Party has been around forever. Other than that I like it.
  20. Bob Rae would be an epic fail worse than Dion, IMO. He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the Liberal party, let alone given the leadership.
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