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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Did you miss your Def Leppard sensitivity training? In retrospect "Foolin'" was a pretty cool song to whip out. Joe Elliott looked like a woman and made me glad I cut my hair. Pierre McGuire went off on Elliott on The Team this morning. It was great.
  2. Did the Leaf fans take the season off?
  3. Fucking Joe Elliott just put the Stanley Cup on its head.
  4. It's being reported as an accident... http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=252112&lid=sublink01&lpos=headlines_main
  5. They all look pretty good except the Thrashers. I love the Bolts jersey. When will the Sens 3rd jersey be revealed?
  6. But it's supposed to sound the same as every other AC/DC album.
  7. Fair enough. I only wanted to point out that it wasn't supported in the article so to a Reynolds n00b like me I have to take it with a grain of salt. Then the odd correlation made me question it more.
  8. Re-read what I wrote. He pulls the 10:1 ratio out of his ass with no supporting arguments for it. The premise of the article is that Dion's proposed spending would cost more than the US bailout. If there's no support for the ratio then the figures are wrong and the premise is bust. Nevermind that a government's budget and the bail out are not exactly the same thing. Of course the bail out is a sexy topic so who cares, right?
  9. Wonky in that it's not a simple 10:1 ratio. I mean, the author just pulls that out of his ass with no support, then runs with it as if it's fact. Kills his entire premise.
  10. Yeah but this is the city that booed Santa Claus.
  11. Isn't she gonna get booed something fierce? It is Philly after all.
  12. That's some wonky math methinks.
  13. Am I crazy or do you hear a bit of Condor in Anything Goes?
  14. Impact vs. Joe Public in the CONCACAF Champs league streaming live at 8: http://www.cbc.ca/sports/
  15. But seriously, I think it's a bit premature to be celebrating. I still think Harper will get a majority. Lots of time left in this one.
  16. [color:purple]Looks like all my campaigning on the skank worked.
  17. Ha. What a miserable little prick.
  18. Nah, they have that electoral college bullshit. Remember when Al Gore won the popular vote?
  19. Civil except for the part about McCain not wanting to shake hands after it was over. Two thoughts coming out of it... McCain is aging right before our eyes - he didn't look that bad 6 months ago did he? I thought all the talk of Palin being a dangerous pick due to McCain's advanced age was a bit of a sideshow but now I don't know. Obama has the capacity to inspire me and bore me to tears all at the same time. I was hanging onto McCain's every word but Obama had me drifting in and out of consciousness even though I was more sympathetic to his message.
  20. Admit it Sharon, it's his dreamy blue eyes that got ya, wasn't it?
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