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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Shit, I can't wait to get drunk in 3 hours.
  2. So the amount of money you spend on a team is in direct relation to your loyalty as a fan? Do you vote Republican too? You're gonna be at all 3 Habs/Sens games at the Bank this year, right? Questions!
  3. Since you didnt get them this year you must have either had a heart attack or my original theory is correct. I really need to create a FAQ for this topic. What I bought was a flexpack (20 regular season games) plus DISCOUNTED tickets to the Stanley Cup final for about $1K. Some people paid that much for just a single ticket to the final. How much do you spend on one Habs game? So, yes, the next time the Sens are in the final I would make the same deal in a heart beat.
  4. Thanks! Forgot to mention the "classy" move made by the Phoneix fan that caught Spezza's stick... he gave it up to a Sens fan sitting behind me. Wow. What a nice guy.
  5. Yeah, the Nikon. I got over two hundred shots. Can't believe no one stopped me.
  6. Beauty. Check this out... me and Christine were on the Kiss Cam and won $50 in merch at the Sens store. Ha ha ha!! And I got a ton of great photos from the 2nd row. I can't go back to the cheap seats.
  7. I'm going because I plan to go to all the Pacific division games this year. That the tickets for this game were 50% off was a bonus. I know you like to use this as troll bait but I've addressed this many times before. The flex-pack I bought last year was totally worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  8. But the aquarium is the best part! And gives us an excuse to give our football team a fish themed name: The Ottawa Dolphins!
  9. Didn't expect you to be the killjoy here AD.
  10. Wicked plan. Get on board Eugene! Melnyk, not Haslam. Seriously there are some awesome "add-ons" in there: amphitheate, aquarium, hotel.
  11. Thanks for the concern Habs fans. Now go take a flying fuck.
  12. I can't believe last night's bottom 3. Canadian voters are stupid.
  13. If you can't go to every game it only makes sense to me to pick based on the opposition. I'm also going to the Ducks game the week after.
  14. That's Friday's game against Phoenix and it's been half price since the pre-sale. I got 2nd row tickets in the 100 level. Look for me in HD on Sportsnet.
  15. Really? Let us know when it's out. Never was into Teenage Head but it always sucks when an old punk dies. RIP.
  16. Have the cops been to visit you yet? Shitty news.
  17. I find her very hard to like though. From the incredulous look on her face last week when she found out Joey/Tamina were safe to the her "oh-my-god wasn't I great?" self-review from last night. I'm not taking away from her talent, just don't cotton to her. I think Lisa/Vincent are the best couple so far. What was the comment about Jean Marc's english in relation to?
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