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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Did he mention the cuts to the Arts? I'll admit, they've really softened up Harper's image this time around. I was sympathetic to him during last week's leadership debate until it got to the Arts funding segment and he sat there like the cat who swallowed the mouse. He's still a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  2. You got a problem with that?
  3. The whole gang is here! Welcome Paul!
  4. ollie

    Fall Election

    There should be fixed election dates too. Oh wait.
  5. Being reported by Chris Stevenson of the Ottawa Sun. They asked Pierre McGuire about it this morning and it was the first he'd heard the rumour.
  6. Ya never know. This guy got his country back:
  7. Honestly, that one didn't hurt at all. Spurs were always going to lose to Hull. Setanta didn't even bother to air it yesterday and I won't be watching the replay tonight. We'll probably lose to Stoke too but I think we can beat Bolton.
  8. Love this morning's F365 headline: Mrtn Skrtel Dmges Lgmnts
  9. I started to wonder if the rough play was by design, taking a page out of the Anaheim playbook.
  10. Great checking game by the Senators. Reminded me of the '07 playoff run when they shut down the third. 3 out of 4 points... wicked.
  11. 5 game series are really cruel like that.
  12. That means you must be married by now... congrats!!
  13. Fucking Survivor's on too! Best TV night of the year?
  14. Not a good time to be using shady financial services!
  15. Request in. Are these guys any good?
  16. Ditto on what I said to you too Schwa!
  17. Just a reminder that you can ask any telemarketer who calls to put you on their own do not call list. It has worked for me with the Ottawa Sun, Citizen, Bell and Rogers. It also has the effect of ending the call without having to say "No" a half dozen times.
  18. I would like to see any of these 3 teams win it all, in order: Chicago Cubs, Tampa Bay, Milwaukee. That means you should probably bet against these teams.
  19. I'm reacting to your opinion. You're reacting to mine. If I couldn't handle it I wouldn't be here. I'm really, really out this time... until I get home.
  20. In the sense that you will never achieve 100% perfection (not that you shouldn't strive for it), yes it does rock. Especially when you take the libertarian ethos of making it work for you. I got confused by what you meant about trying to irritate me and I think I understand now... trying to equate my position to Mike Harris? Consider me irritated. That fucker's cuts had a direct effect on my family. I'll keep a running tally from now on, ok?
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