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Everything posted by ollie

  1. One thing's for certain... bye bye Michael Fortier. The people have spoken. Harper daren't not reappoint that fucker to the Senate. Of course that means he probably will.
  2. Every time Jack Layton says "working families".
  3. I put a checkmark. Will that count? I think I asked this last year. Anyway, most disorganized polling station I can recall. Huge lineup by the time I got out of there around 5:45pm. Now on to the results!
  4. Denied. Congratulations Jake! I'm glad it was you and not one of these other bastards.
  5. Thanks for getting the gist of my question, and for the answer.
  6. Whatever are you talking about MoMack? [color:#CCCCCC]Kinda wish the picture was bigger
  7. Do your neighbours on welfare make more money than you? That seems to be the implication. i.e. I can't afford it, they can. Do you know for sure that they are the ones paying for it?
  8. I heard all the cool kids are voting CPC this year.
  9. Which NDP commercials are those? I like the one where Harper has a little pot belly. Heh.
  10. I think there's a bit more subtlety to the law. i.e. You are entitled to a voting period of 3 consecutive hours and if this is not possible without leaving work then your employeer is obligated to let you take the time off. In my case I get off at 5pm, polls close at 9:30pm so there's my 3 hours. i.e. I don't get to leave work early.
  11. Yeah. Picking Denver at Arrowhead killed me.
  12. Congrats Hal. Who did you pick to win it?
  13. D'Arcy and James weren't on Siamese Dream?
  14. Nice try on the reverse psychology there Ringo.
  15. Backup site is Nepean High School. See you there.
  16. I bet there's been some stripper perfume in there too.
  17. Great news Dave! Happy Turkey Day.
  18. There's nothing in the article about this but when I first saw the story on Sports Desk last night there was speculation that he had initially refused medical treatment. Anyone hear anything else like that?
  19. Not voting is for suckers. Telling me how I can and cannot decide to cast my vote is the height of arrogance.
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