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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    Go NHL Go 11/12

    Wow. I think this is the weasel-iest hockey play I've ever seen. Ryan Clowe breaks up a rush FROM THE BENCH. Suspension worthy?
  2. I just bought a pair of tickets for game 6! There's a pre-sale going on right now, password is "BELIEVE". http://capitaltickets.ca/promo
  3. Anyone watching the current season? I find having 2 local (Ottawa) chefs in the running makes it much more compelling. It also helps that they are both doing well. The judges and new host are still awful though.
  4. Ask me how I like that Turris trade now Andre.
  5. Praise Alfie!! Time to hold your noses Sens fans... Go Leafs Go!! Go Habs Go!!
  6. Thanks Booche! I just placed an order. By default on the shipping screen it has Priority chosen, you need to click the option above that for free shipping. You can always cancel your order and try again.
  7. ollie

    Budget 2012

    I don't hate it except for the 50/50 pension formula for fed gov't workers, I need to look into that one some more. I think it might be a mistake because I've always considered the pension to be the most attractive benefit of the job. Glad I slid under the retirement age increase threshold though. The death of the penny makes me sad.
  8. ollie

    Budget 2012

    Highlights: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/03/29/federalbudget-flaherty-hilights.html
  9. I had no clue! Fuck that was awesome.
  10. That was priceless! They should bring that chick in for each home game just to keep the guys loose. Nail biter against the Jets tonight!!
  11. Penguins backup goaler starting. Eugene says: RELAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX!
  12. Ben Bishop starting tonight. Just what we need, a little goalie controversy to end the season.
  13. Fucking BRUTAL game!! The Sens don't even know how to dummy the opposition when they are being humiliated. They sure are masters of the post-whistle scrum though! What the hell was Leclaire doing there anyway? I totally missed that part. I was in line @ Hintonburger when I heard over the radio "Montreal 3-0" and was too pissed off to watch until the 3rd period started. MUST WIN TONIGHT. Only facing the best team in the league. FUCK!!
  14. I always give you credit for this joke Dave. Just ask Booche!
  15. ollie

    NFL 2011

    Robert Gallery is now a Patriot!
  16. ollie

    NFL 2011

    I don't necessarily want Tebow to play QB for the Pats, but he'd be an option in the backfield and could throw the ball on occasion. I'm more serious about the Belichick part than the Brady part. Fack, make him play corner.
  17. ollie

    NFL 2011

    I'm hoping that Tebow gets traded to the Patriots after all this somehow. I would love to see Timmy under Belichick's guidance and Brady's wing.
  18. Suicidal Tendencies is the only band I'd pay money outside this festival to see so sadly I'm going to give it another pass.
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