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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie


    Kinda last minute notice but there's a winter beer festival in Gatineau this weekend. I went to the outdoor one in the summer last year and it was awesome. This one is at Chateau Cartier. http://www.festibieredegatineau.ca/winter-beerfest/
  2. ollie


    I'm drinking one right now!
  3. Way to redeem yourself Mike. http://blog.jambands.ca/blog/2012/1/20/support-local-ottawa-vinyl-dealers-birdman-sound.html
  4. Holy fuck, Mark Bell has been recalled to Anaheim for the game against the Sens on Saturday... his first in almost 4 years, which is right about the time he did this. Not to mention another dirty play on Fisher I believe. Anyway, I hope someone fucks him up. Oh yeah, also not to mention his DUI/hit and run. What a fucking waste of space.
  5. Also... Resin Scraper!
  6. Well that's pretty offensive. Are you telling me you don't remember the Birdman stage at Bluesfest? Going for coffee soon... meet you at the mall?
  7. Hal, you might have watched a billion games but I guess you missed this interview. I was 100% making a joke with my expert remark.
  8. Don't fret. I figure you'll be able to get some mileage out of "Proof right there that I'm an idiot." Pretty much fits every occasion. But man, was I ever a whiny little bitch on that trade day.
  9. [color:purple]Do you mean to tell me the "I don't have to pay for music because I see the occasional live show" business model doesn't work for record stores?! Sucks to hear about this. I'll drop by on Saturday and drop some coin.
  10. Proof right there that I'm an idiot.
  11. So you're saying you're an expert? P.S. Can't remember dominating San Jose like that, let alone in their building. That was great!
  12. You should have probably said that Potvin is in the same league as the worst offenders, but I guess you really do need to stretch to say anything bad about the Senators these days. I mean, you should be mad at Sporstnet if you're looking for an organization to finger. I'd like to know which other NHL colour guys you've heard this year to make such a wild claim.
  13. Overpriced or not within your budget? Keep in mind that in addition to the time spent on the artwork, art supplies themselves can cost quite a lot of money.
  14. It's almost like Hal is ignoring the fact that there was a game last night. My favourite Potvin-ism from this season was early on during one of the games where the Sens were getting pummeled. Ottawa scores a meaningless goal in the 3rd and Potvin compares it to "candy in the rain... it might be raining, but at least you've got some candy."
  15. Meh. Phaneuf could have knocked Foligno's lid off like Nicky did to him.
  16. Sounds like my sister. She has a storage room full of her artwork that is bleeding money in storage fees, not to mention the artworks that have overtaken her apartment. She's a great artist but has zero business acumen. Any wealthy patrons lurking out there?! Good luck and let me know if you find any leads.
  17. You're surprised the colour guy on the Sens broadcast is a homer? Isn't that a prerequisite for the position? Just be glad you don't have to listen to him regularly call the Ottawa team "the Panthers". (He used to do Florida games.)
  18. The best part of that game was watching Dion take a hit from Zack Smith after taking a beating from Nick Foligno. He had clearly had enough. That's what you call... overrated!
  19. Hall of famer Denis Potvin. But who cares... Leafs suck.
  20. ollie

    NFL 2011

    Learning to Love the Antichrist In praise of Bill Belichick
  21. Well, I really appreciate their honesty. It goes a long way towards buying patience. Thanks for posting that FBN!
  22. I just noticed this morning... channel 597 for Rogers subscribers in Ottawa. Nice!
  23. ollie

    Ottawa Chefs

    There are a bunch of people with connections to the food industry on OttawaFoodies.com. I'd suggest your friend post a similar message in that site's forum. I've seen it work before.
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