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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Bye Bye Martin He tendered his resignation before the UEFA Cup loss to Getafe today. Juan Ramos will be taking over at the start of next year. Dunno who'll do the interim job. Kind of surprised he resigned. Won't he lose his pay out? [color:purple]Way to pull out all the stops for his last game you damn Spurs!!
  2. Ha! That's exactly what I guessed the ending to be, after reading the article. Still might want to spoiler tag it.
  3. ollie

    yayyyyyy God

    I don't really get off on knocking fundies. It's too easy. But as someone who flitters between atheism and agnosticism I have to think that all religions are just plain coo-coo in the end. d_rawk, wouldn't it be more accurate to say "damn stinkin' muslims" than "damn stinkin' arabs"? Arab isn't a religion, is it?
  4. Tried watching it but once it got out of hand I lost interest. I lost most of my interest after the first round really.
  5. Did he kiss you like Dougy, Hux?
  6. That was a great read. Dude lived one helluva life in his 24 years... on his own terms. Wicked.
  7. Wow, that sounds incredibly helpful. What's in it for them?
  8. Here's a solution: arm teachers with guns.
  9. I actually thought you were referring to Robert Poulin.
  10. "Someone with design skills" was implied.
  11. Somebody volunteer to make these guys a banner!
  12. Yep. That should go on the main page.
  13. [color:purple]Way to scare them straight!
  14. ollie

    oink.cd busted

    $4100 for 41 Gigs? $100 a Gig? Sounds completely bogus.
  15. I really hope Martin Levac is back in the fold by then. He left the band over the summer and he is pretty much Phil Collin's incarnate.
  16. The post-game show on Setanta was great. You had Paul Robinson in the studio, sitting between two pundits who just bashed Spurs' defence non-stop while Robbo did all he could not to nod his head in agreement.
  17. So, Berbatov to United: January or Summer?
  18. And Ottawa Senator games when Dean is on TV. He's old school homer.
  19. There are many reasons that go into a person's decision to protest. To conclude that these protesters think saving Marshall's is more important than, say, pulling out of the war in Iraq is too simplistic because it glosses over the many other reasons that factor into a decision to protest. Similarly the analogy to American Idol is ludicrous. Sure it has "voting" in common with an election but that's about it. Even that isn't the same thing since one person can, legally, cast more than one vote on American Idol. It's a lazy trick used by people who want to take a shot at pop culture. It makes you smile inside if you agree with the message but that's about it. So enjoy your smug self-satisfaction.
  20. I think the cartoon draws a too simple conclusion.
  21. Exactly. P.S. Your analysis of the game was killer.
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