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Everything posted by ollie

  1. What's with the outporing of sensitivity this week?
  2. Well, yeah, I live in an apartment building too and when I walk through the lobby I can smell tobacco if it's being smoked, pot too. But just because I can smell it doesn't necessarily lead me to the conclusion that there are enough smoke particles in my apartment over a long enough period of time to do me any harm. So just how much of a risk is second hand smoke in an apartment building? We should not be passing legistlation based on fear, IMO. Banning smoking in apartment buildings would be another step down the slippery slope we are already on to more government intervention in our private lives. I just think all options need to be explored before asking the government to take away more of our rights.
  3. ollie


    Ok, the truth is that propane scares the shit out of me. I think I read an exploding tank story in the '80s and it scared me for life. [color:#CCCCCC]They should be banned in apartment buildings.
  4. Newsflash: WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!! Seriously, are there any studies out there about the effects of second hand smoke in apartment buildings or are you just extrapolating based on second hand smoke in general? If it's a legit problem then I'd rather take a look at the building's ventilation system before passing legislation. Seems this story is just instilling a new fear in people - second hand smoke in apartment buildings. There's not even a story here, it's a report on an OPINION poll conducted by an anti-smoking group. I'd like more science first.
  5. ollie


    I'm stuck with charcoal, making it tough to get a good flame going when it's snowing/freezing cold. We did BBQ on Jan 6th though.
  6. Now yer just being critical of the critics Kev!
  7. Oh man, that is going to be hilarious. Hundreds of lawnchair people sitting and staring at an empty stage because they won't give up "their spot".
  8. They did this at Osheaga and it worked well. It might also prevent some folks from camping out all day in their lawnchairs if there are acts on both stages that they want to see.
  9. It's called communal living. Deal with it. Buy a house if it bothers you so much.
  10. Did you know that Creed Bratton plays himself on TV? wiki
  11. ollie


    Oh man, I just got home, opened the windows and I can smell a barbeque grilling up something fierce. Friday weather looks perfect for a BBQ -- yee-haw!!
  12. Sounds good. I will aim to be there between noon and kick-off. Who else is showing up?
  13. And entertain the peanut gallery. Good rock journalism is entertainment too. At least it should be.
  14. Never seen that in Ottawa. Maybe the Georgetown Pub is our best option for an authentic style pub. Has anyone here ever been there? http://www.georgetownpub.ca/
  15. I miss the separatists. They had panache.
  16. How sweet is that contract now?
  17. Maybe there's more to this celery thing than we thought... Chelsea bans fans for throwing celery
  18. Yes, on Rideau, and yes there was a cool little venue upstairs that I didn't visit enough. Shame that it's gone now.
  19. Another thing for the Saturday Night wishlist -- local coverage of ALL Senators games in the Ottawa region.
  20. I would imagine the middle game will be ManU v Blackburn. Chelsea V Spurs on April 7th. You might have a chance to redeem yourself. Nope, Fulham vs. Portsmouth! So do we all have a date at 12:30 PM for Watford vs. Chelsea? I think that's the most realistic match to see if we want to do it over pints in a pub.
  21. There's something beautiful in the truth of this statement. Maybe that it could have been uttered during any of the last twenty years and still be devastatingly relevant. It's quite enduring. Never seen these guys though -- should be good!!
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