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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    Work Pet Peeves

    I'm with ya. Here we call them Project Managers. They see "manager" in their job title and think it entitles them to order us around and make jokes about whether we'll get paid or not. Heelarious.
  2. WTF? The Isle doesn't seem like the right place for Captain Canada. Just brutal for the Oiler fans.
  3. ollie

    Need House

    Check out Craigslist. You should be able to find something that fits your bill. http://ottawa.craigslist.org/apa/
  4. I'm the ass who had to look it up so I wouldn't be the ass who had to ask.
  5. Oleg Saprykin + 7th round pick to Ottawa for 2nd round pick. Who's he gonna bump off the roster?
  6. Don't forget I play heel in Rich Stadium. Are you going to travel to see a TIOA show? I'm hoping for a Montreal date. I thought TMB were doing a "black show" tour this fall. Wouldn't that preclude a TOTT tour?
  7. I don't think it was the bread, they just packed the pita too tight.
  8. Sportsnet is dead to me after Connected. The only thing I'll watch now is Bob McCowan's radio show, which doesn't even seem to have a regular timeslot.
  9. So three of us headed over to Bread and Sons at lunch to give this thing a whirl. I'd prefer a greater veggie to falafel ratio, and the pita lasted all of two bites before disintegrating, but overall good stuff.
  10. "C-Balls is back! We have a C-Balls sighting!"
  11. What sources are you guys checking?
  12. They better hope Miller doesn't go down. I'd have thought the Sabres would have liked some insurance at the backup position. Who's the backup now?
  13. Since when am I Mike's house boy?
  14. Hey, can-o-phish! I miss seeing you around here on a regular basis. Thank you so much for the tune! I like it when Kevin sings.
  15. Theme: Songs about trees 1. David Sylvian - Brilliant Trees 2. Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees 3. Frank Zappa - Billy the Mountain (who, of course, had Ethel The Tree "growing off of his shoulder") 4. Oleander - Sarah Harmer 5. Yonder Mountain String Band - Snow on the Pines 6. Rush - The Trees 7. Guided by Voices - I am a Tree 8. Tony Orlando and Dawn - Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree 9. YMSB - Wind Through The Willows 10. Woody Guthrie - Bury Me Beneath the Willow 11. Marty Casey - Trees 12.
  16. ollie


    Look what I found at the Rideau St. LCBO on Saturday!! I took the last three sixers on the shelf but I hope they have more. American microbrew is the shit.
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