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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I bet if the uncle had just killed the two kids, instead of getting them high, this wouldn't be more than local news.
  2. Skeptical of climate change - Yes Skeptical of human impetus behind it - Yes Dissatisifed with Kyoto Accord - Dislike the notion that it's something everyone should support because climate change is *so obvious* Andre - I was expecting that I have no idea if climate change exists and if it does, I have no idea what is causing it. I read reports that cite studies and contain words like "potential". And I read a lot of human bashing, like we're the one species of animal that has no right to live on the planet. And it makes me question the message. And, it's cold as fuck this morning!!
  3. Heard about this on The Team this morning... from the Ottawa '67s broadcast on the weekend: Hey kid, wanna beer?
  4. ollie

    Ice hotel

    Is there a bar? I bet you can't smoke in there, huh?
  5. Did some more reading and came across this article debunking Allègre's claims. Con Allègre, ma non troppo [color:#CCCCCC]nevermind!
  6. Willie Nelson and band are on right now -- it's frikken great to come home to this stuff! Willie Nelson is such a good guitar player. Anyone besides me and Jaiome get this?
  7. ollie

    Ice hotel

    Cool photos! Thanks. So some dumb questions: Is it cold in there? Do you get your own room? Is there a door? Is there a shower? Are there other people around? I've always wondered about that place.
  8. This thread is seriously underperforming.
  9. My sympathies Steve, you're not alone. Stay strong.
  10. For whatever reason I'm drawn to the naysayer argument when it comes to climate change. I'll be the first to admit that it's a topic that is way, way over my head but then I think it's way, way over most of our heads and so I wonder at the ferocity with which so many people cling to the Kyoto accord. If it's a matter of deferring to the experts well, looks like there is descension in the ranks. FWIW, the section I highlighted in bold type is my general impression of the environmental movement. It's "feel good" but doesn't speak to me on a practical level. Full text of article: Allegre's second thoughts
  11. ollie

    Work Pet Peeves

    Manager-type at work addresses all the guys as "Mr. firstname", complete with Rob Schneider intonation. Hence, I am "Mr. Oliver".
  12. Sounds good! Ironic then isn't it, that the seats up for auction to the highest bidder -- the first 7 rows, might not be the best in the house? Wooly Mammoth, I hate having to make that decision so my criteria for high ticket price shows is very strict -- centre section, 20 rows or better or no sale.
  13. Cool, I scored centre section floor seats in the 17th row for the Ottawa show. Anyone else pickup tickets today?
  14. What happened with the ref not blowing the whistle after 4 minutes? Was there an explanation for that?
  15. How are they supposed to be disposable if you don't throw them out?
  16. Styx + orchestra + on right now = awesome.
  17. It has one meaning that doesn't specifically refer to black people.
  18. ollie


    weekdays: cereal, usually a mix of Optimum Slim and Corn Flakes by Nature's Path; orange juice; multivitamin; coffee weekends: as above or bacon and eggs w/toast or pancakes or breakfast sandwich from Subway if I'm totally out of ingredients... depends
  19. Are you ok with nigger?
  20. That's what I'm trying to find out.
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