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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    My Top Friends

    Were it as easily done as said.
  2. I bet someone in the food forum would know.
  3. ollie

    My Top Friends

    Geez... reminds me of some antiquated Victorian notion about hiding the sick from society's sensitive eyes. I would hope compassion runs a little higher in this community. Stop clicking on, and replying to, the threads if they honestly fill you with this much displeasure. Then again, Luke always does bring out the best in people.
  4. Adult Contemporary forum please.
  5. Might as well just rename this thread "RC: Doesn't have a fucking clue".
  6. What are people's general impressions about this place as a live music venue?
  7. Theme: Songs about the penis 1. Tool - Hooker with a Penis 2. King Missle - Detachable Penis 3. Prince - Little Red Corvette 4. Led Zeppelin - The Lemon Song 5. Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax 6. The Stooges - Cock In My Pocket 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  8. ollie

    FA Cup

    Middlesborough vs. Bristol City is going to penalties. Thank god I gave in to Fox Sports World.
  9. Yeah, the show could use a good episode on itself. It's entertaining but I wouldn't take it all as gospel. The show on addiction was a total joke.
  10. Then it sounds like the lawyer is completely within his rights, legally and ethically, to decline the work. I wouldn't think ill of this lawyer for taking the work either.
  11. Awesome. Enjoy your moral victories, we want the Cup!
  12. Let me back up and ask you on what other grounds lawyers routinely decline work then.
  13. Christine and I were just talking about this last night and I agree. The skank easily has way more women than any other message board I've read. This is good.
  14. Did you watch the 60 Minutes clip? Obama had a good take on voters supporting a candidate solely because he or she is black.
  15. Lawyers defend murderers right? On a sliding scale of ethics, defending the hatemonger should be a walk in the park.
  16. I just think "Hilary is the Dixie Chicks" would have been the better conclusion.
  17. His run has been almost as glorious as Dougie's comeback.
  18. Hey Leaf fans, why don't you tell us what you think of Alfie?
  19. I was waiting for the Whitey appearance. We have the most popular thread in the forum!!
  20. No visor = Emery pulls back methinks Hey Andre, when did you become such a cliche?
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