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Everything posted by ollie

  1. In other Boardwalk Empire related news... http://www.tmz.com/2011/03/23/boardwalk-empire-paz-de-la-huerta-the-city-samantha-swetra-lindsay-lohan-assault-fight-the-standard-nightclub-nyc/
  2. Alex Jones is irrelevant to this thread. Anyone care to discuss the pending election?
  3. Don't get the reference. Question stills stands.
  4. Can someone explain to me what is in an election for the opposition parties? This has Harper majority written all over it. What's the real end game here?
  5. Awesome gut check loss by the Sens!
  6. ollie


    Whoa, even more beer from Beau's! Thanks for the clarification Brad. Wish I lived near the brewery.
  7. ollie


    Beaver River IPA. I just picked up a box (12 bottles) at the LCBO at the corner of Richmond/McRae. There were about 3 other boxes and some loose bottles left. Oh and it's good!
  8. Oh that's a weak lineup for Montreal. I'm going to have to see the day by day schedule breakdown before making a decision. And the Toronto lineup looks a lot like last year. Boo-urns!
  9. I agree. It's a fine line between shilling and sharing.
  10. ollie

    Happy Friday!!

    Way to ruin my Friday guys.
  11. Whatever happened to his trip to Haiti?
  12. Ha, ha, why not? Bring it on!! Ugh. :surprise:
  13. Shout to my friend Jon who installed my new car stereo this week. And he didn't even ask me for a case of beer.
  14. Thanks Roller! The only outcry I could find in that thread was after your suspension suggestion:
  15. Are we supposed to send him vibes or something?
  16. I don't really care to. I'm asking you to prove your point. I don't recall as much outrage over the Cooke hit either.
  17. Why remind us when you can provide links and quotations?
  18. I guess I owe you 10 bucks!
  19. You deserve a ban from Rich Stadium for this.
  20. ollie


    At the LCBO AD? The Gemini was great. Half a bottle was a real teaser.
  21. I'm just gonna start saying Happy St. Patricia's Day. Thanks!
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