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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Oh my lord...The Poetry Of Sarah Palin... Aloha, Brad
  2. In my defense, I've only lived in ottawa center for a little bit now and the only election I've been through was provincial in which liberal signs were plastered all over the place here (and liberals won for that matter). For what it's worth, according to http://www.rogerstv.com/get.asp?lid=16&rid=4&tid=25519&ttl=6&arid=4 the all-candidates debate for Ottawa Centre will be on Rogers 22 on Thursday, October 02, 2008 at 9:00 PM. Aloha, Brad
  3. No, more like my belief that if one unlikely thing happens, things that are similar and also unlikely are more likely to happen. Aloha, Brad
  4. I'm now saving up my money for nero tour 2009. Aloha, Brad
  5. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=define%3A+rube&btnG=Google+Search&meta= Aloha, Brad
  6. Well, that's what I thought (and I shudder at the possibility of a government being able to pass a law that couldn't be repealed by a subsequent government), which is why I'm trying to find out if what I (think I) heard is actually in a party's platform. The schedule for Rogers Ottawa's candidates' debates is at http://www.rogerstv.com/get.asp?lid=16&rid=4&tid=25519&ttl=6&arid=4 and it looks like my riding's debate will be re-aired on Monday, so I'll try to stay up and catch it all. Aloha, Brad
  7. Phish Forum, please. Aloha, Brad
  8. I caught most of the debate between the candidates in my riding (Ottawa-West-Nepean; John Baird [CPC] is our current MP), and I thought I heard one of the candidates (it might have been the Green one) say something about their platform including putting into place laws that couldn't be undone (or repealed) by later governments. Has anyone seen anything like this from any of the parties? I'm mostly trying to figure out if I correctly remember what I heard, as I'm not sure. (The Green Party's platform document is 160 pages long, so I'd rather not have to hunt through it if possible.) Aloha, Brad
  9. I agree. On this, I don't agree. I'm not sure I agree with this, as you're only looking at the end result. The question is where the money to pay those people is going to come from. (I think there is an opportunity for "green" economy jobs to help the economy, especially through things like technology exports, as that brings money into the economy. What you describe above sounds more like a wealth-redistribution plan than an economic growth plan; if that's a mis-characterization, I apologize.) I can't pull anything except speculative spins from this idea because of what you say in the second paragraph. I also can't tell you whether I think an EBR is a good idea or a bad idea until the idea is fleshed out a bit more. In my opinion, yes. (And if my responses have seemed dismissive and combative, I apologize, as that wasn't my intent.) Aloha, Brad
  10. I call a YEM opener the first night. Aloha, Brad
  11. I think Open Office http://www.openoffice.org includes a presentation package, and I think it's file-compatible with PowerPoint; it's also free. Aloha, Brad
  12. http://www.phish.net/setlists/1993.html#08-09-93 (Emphasis added.) Aloha, Brad
  13. bradm


    I don't think that either The Beer Store or the LCBO stock it. I wish they did, though, if for no other reason than http://magichat.net/getunderthecap/ A member of another board I'm on popped the top on a Magic Hat Number 9, to find Aloha, Brad
  14. I think hamburger'd be too squishy to remain in a large hunk in (or be removable as a large hunk from) your pocket. I could be wrong, though. Aloha, Brad
  15. If you want to get the recordings uploaded to the Live Music Archive and need any help, let me know. Aloha, Brad
  16. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canadavotes/story/2008/09/30/rae-harper.html Aloha, Brad
  17. That's on St. Denis, right? I might make this one. Aloha, Brad
  18. I'd love to see them in Ottawa (or even Ottawa and Montreal). Aloha, Brad
  19. Colbert will also be making an appearance in an upcoming edition of the Spider Man comic book: http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives/2008/09/with_great_comedy_comes_great_potential_for_comic_book_tie_ins.php Aloha, Brad
  20. Richard Page http://www.myspace.com/richpagesax who is bringing a ten-piece band (Richard Page - tenor saxophone, composer, Zakari Frantz - alto saxophone, Tyler Harris - alto saxophone, James O'Farrell - tenor saxophone, Brian Asselin - baritone saxophone, Rick Rangno - trumpet and flugelhorn, Steve Berndt - trombone, Rob Martin - guitar, Philippe Charbonneau - bass, Mike Essoudry - drums and cymbals) to Avant-Garde Bar in Ottawa on Oct. 16. I'm thinking of going just to see how they manage to cram 10 musicians on A-G's teeny tiny stage. Aloha, Brad
  21. Who would choose the 3rd party? (And aren't most environmental impact studies done by 3rd parties [e.g., consulting firms hired by government] now?) How do you measure what the level of public outcry is? (And who would define what that "certain level" of outcry would be?) What would happen if there was the required level of publc outcry about a decision (that was based on a 3rd party's investigation), resulting in a 4th party's investigation, that reached exactly the same conclusion as the 3rd party? Could there be another chance for "public outcry" demanding (and getting) a 5th party doing an investigation? I apologize. I should have phrased that as, "If city council says, in effect, 'Yes, we did a study, here are the results, we think it's OK, the decision stands', would that (along with the presentation of results of the study) meet the 'accountability' demand?" Would it? In other words, how would a demand for accountability (in all policy decisions) limit the authority of, say, a city council to do its job? (And note that I'm not saying a demand of accountability would be a bad thing, it's more that I don't quite understand what it would do that existing laws, especially those that require environmental studies, don't do.) Aloha, Brad
  22. That'd be The Kingston Brewing Company. http://www.kingstonbrewing.ca/ Aloha, Brad
  23. Inglewood Jack (rehearsal), 2008-09-27, Noam's basement, Ottawa, ON. Aloha, Brad
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