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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Is it the instruments and/or gender that matter? What if he willingly had sat there like he did and talked about sitting at the pedal steel with his daughter who plays tenor sax? Aloha, Brad
  2. The problem is [emphasis added] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/05/palin-misquotes-albright_n_131967.html Aloha, Brad
  3. bradm

    Fall Election

    One way I can think of to do something like this would be to require each party that's running (or going to run) to actually submit its platform to, say, Elections Canada, with the submission in the form of the legislation (i.e., the actual bills) they'd try to get passed if they formed a government. One other neat thing about this idea is that the winning party would (or could) be forced to try to enact its "platform" (i.e., the bills they submitted) within, say, six months of forming the government, with fines (or other forms of penalty) being imposed for any bits of their submitted platform that they don't try to get enacted*. (This might help with the whole "broken promises" problem parties face.) The platform could also easily be analyzed by the other parties, legal and parliamentary experts, etc. Elections Canada could also penalize parties who campaign on issues for which they haven't submitted a platform or piece of proposed legislation (with the "platform submission process" also including ways to submit new elements of a party's platform, or changes to already submitted elements). (Note that this idea applies only to things a party proposes to do itself; its comments on and criticisms of other parties' platforms wouldn't be handled by this idea.) Aloha, Brad * They wouldn't necessarily have to get the legislation/platform passed, however.
  4. Here's one of Mr. Something Something, set up on Queen St. as part of car-free day. They paid for a few parking spots, set up some bicycle-powered generators, and did an on-street pedal-powered dance party. Aloha, Brad
  5. I'all had immense fun. Paul MacDougall's guitar-playing melted my brain, figuratively. Aloha, Brad
  6. So phorbesie's not on the fence for the Garaj Mahal show, irrespective of whether there's an opening act? Aloha, Brad
  7. bradm

    RIP Paul Newman

    I think TVO is showing "Nobody's Fool" at 8pm tonight on "Saturday Night At The Movies." Aloha, Brad
  8. Worse. I've had this night planned for weeks now. And posting the call of the roll wasn't even the first thing I did this morning; there was a brief breakfast before it. So come on out tonight! And bring your camera; with the balcony at The Rainbow, and Mr. SS's tendency to start some sets by parading through the club, I'm sure you could get some great shots. Aloha, Brad
  9. Not quite. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oj_simpson#Civil_trial_for_wrongful_death He was found liable for her wrongful death in the civil trial, which isn't the same as guilty in a criminal proceeding. He hasn't; see above. Aloha, Brad
  10. According to http://www.nufunk.ca advance tickets for the Oct. 30 Toronto Garaj Mahal show (which apparently has The Chameleon Project opening up) will be on sale starting Oct. 7. I'd assume hope that advance tickets for the other shows would also be on sale on that date. Aloha, Brad
  11. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/248442/ I'll be there. Aloha, Brad
  12. The John Henrys, 2008-09-26, Babylon, Ottawa, ON. Aloha, Brad
  13. Have advance tickets (esp. for the Ottawa show) gone on sale yet? Aloha, Brad
  14. I've thought about it, but I think I'll save my energy and money for Mr. Something Something tomorrow night. Aloha, Brad
  15. I just checked, and Sisters Euclid are playing at The Orbit Room the night before this show, which'll make for a nice double-header. Aloha, Brad
  16. http://www.jambase.com/Articles/15245/Asheville-Keller-for-Free Aloha, Brad
  17. The problem is that glass bottles are a lot heavier, which'll mean that switching to them will increase the amount of energy required to move them around. (As well, glass pop bottles are more dangerous.) I'd like to see us stick with plastic bottles (and maybe even move back to the plastic milk jugs I remember from my youth), but put a deposit on them (as plastic milk jugs had). Aloha, Brad
  18. bradm

    Egg Salad

    The only time I really like French's is on things like smoked meat sandwiches. Aloha, Brad
  19. http://www.archive.org/details/ryanadams2008-09-26.sbd.flac16 Aloha, Brad
  20. bradm

    Egg Salad

    Yeah, something just like that...mmmmm... Aloha, Brad
  21. bradm

    Egg Salad

    Someone needs to devise a bacon-salad sandwich. Aloha, Brad
  22. I read about it via a different source: http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/grateful%20deads%20bob%20weir%20breaks%20ribs%20on%20tour%20bus_1082272 Aloha, Brad
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