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Everything posted by bradm

  1. The Souljazz Orchestra is playing at Cafe Nostalgica (on the campus of Ottawa University) tonight (Friday, Jan. 19). It's a free show, and it's billed as an "Afro/Latin" night, part of Nostalgica's "World Sounds Series." It's listed as having a 9pm start. I'm a bit on the fence on this one. I really like SJO, but Nostalgica is a tiny (cramped, almost) place, in which it's difficult to see (let alone record) a band. On the other hand, it's a campus pub, so the beer's pretty cheap. Is anybody else interested in this? Aloha, Brad
  2. Not in this case, as she has children. (It was suggested she'd be a good candidate for a Darwin Award, but because she's reproduced, she's ineligible.) Aloha, Brad
  3. Have you checked http://www.moe.org/snoedown_hotels.php ? Aloha, Brad
  4. I want to avoid my friends having possibly quite unpleasant surprises. But if LM is cool with things either way, more power to her. Aloha, Brad
  5. Make sure you include "sexual orientation" in those deets... Aloha, Brad
  6. I don't think it's based on your account. When I view jambands.ca on a machine it hasn't been viewed on before, I see the sidebar even when I'm logged in. (This bugged me a lot over Christmas when I was using the family computer.) My guess is that there's a cookie or something associated with the web page (as opposed to a particular user of the web page) that says whether the sidebar should be displayed. Without any way to change it, whatever it was set to when the "Toggle Sidebar" option was removed determines whether the sidebar will be displayed, regardless of who's logged in. Aloha, Brad
  7. Argggh. I actually disabled display of the sidebar, back when that option/function was available, and now there's no way to re-enable it, so I can't get at the tracks! Oh, Irony, thy sting is oh, so bitter... Aloha, Brad
  8. That's true. There's a style of MCing that involves the MC putting out line after line, with very little in the way of recognizable (e.g., verse/chorus/verse/chorus) structure to it, to the point that the song doesn't have a strong identity (as you get with a song that has a chorus, and verses that are all about or related to a particular subject). I think (though I'm not sure; I'll re-listen just to make sure) the show I listened to had that feel to it, which is why it didn't resonate with me. (That isn't intended as a strong criticism, just a statement of how one thing is one way, while my musical resonance is geared another way.) Aloha, Brad
  9. As far as I know, The Music Never Stopped has disbanded. Aloha, Brad
  10. A slightly better link to David Gans' shows is http://www.archive.org/details/DavidGans And if by "Shockenaw Boys" you mean Showckenaw Mountain Boys, they also have shows on the LMA: http://www.archive.org/details/ShockenawMountainBoys I'd probably go see him if he came to Ottawa. Aloha, Brad
  11. I once had a chest cold, and one evening, as I sat in a three-hour night class, I actually felt the cold move from my chest up into my head/nose. At the start of the class, I was coughing and my chest was congested, and at the end of the class, my chest was clear (and I wasn't coughing), but my nose and sinuses were plugged up. Aloha, Brad
  12. For reference, Grand Theft Bus haven't played in Ottawa since November 12, 2005. (And as far as I know, The Fussy Part have never played here.) Aloha, Brad
  13. Coming soon to one of Booche's t-shirts... Aloha, Brad
  14. It looks like thatpatguy and I will be heading to The Clock Tower (brew)pub tonight for The Pejoratives (see this topic for details), if people wanted to come out somewhere and celebrate. Aloha, Brad
  15. Nope. My brother lived in Japan from 1988 - 2003, and I took a couple of weeks in April/May 2001 to visit him and tour around with him. I timed the trip to be able to see Eric Johnson, but the trip wasn't specifically to go to the show (in other words, I would have gone around that time if Johnson hadn't been playing). Aloha, Brad
  16. I'd say the fact about the coworker is useful (e.g., if you're into audio, or a fan of REO Speedwagon). The fact that Low Roller knows the coworker, on the other hand, was useless, until Roller used it to start a jambands.ca topic. A useless fact about me is that I was at the Big Cat Club in Osaka where Phish played, but almost a year after they did, to see Eric Johnson; this was the furthest from home of any concerts I've attended. Aloha, Brad
  17. Briallant. I listened to one Kae Sun show, and it didn't really do much for me; I may go back and and re-listen to it (it's the only one currently available). And the article is a really good read, zero. Aloha, Brad
  18. You mean you didn't feel hung over before you read it? I feel a bit disappointed. Aloha, Brad
  19. Good [insert period of first consciousness here], Freeker! Happy Day! Aloha, Brad
  20. "Choosy Chewers Choose ChewBaklava. Shouldn't chou?" Aloha, Brad
  21. And if he started making headwear, he could market Chewbacca Balaclavas. Aloha, Brad
  22. I didn't know that. aberg83 for moderator of the Geography Forum. Aloha, Brad
  23. definite buzzkill Doesn't at least one burning bush figure prominently into the platform of the religious right? Aloha, Brad
  24. Will you accept only Booche, or could we work out some sort of equivalent/exchange rate for Ottawa skanks? Aloha, Brad
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