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Everything posted by bradm

  1. I recall Del telling me they used the same technology as those dissolvable "thin strips" that you see used for medicine and breath freshening. Aloha, Brad
  2. I think every band's "details" page has a "Browse by year" link, so all you have to do is get to the details page. If you go from the main "Browse" link (which'll give you the big list of bands), each band's link actually gives you the results of searching for the band name (which is handy for things like GTB, as it brings up both GTB and the GTB/JSB set-blenders, which have their own entry). If you then click on a link, you'll get its details page. Alternately, if you know how the name of the band is spelled, you can just write the URL yourself, by putting the band name after "www.archive.org/details", so that, say, Inglewood Jack's details page is found at http://www.archive.org/details/InglewoodJack The trick is knowing the spelling. For a band like James McKenty And The Spades http://www.archive.org/details/JamesMcKentyAndTheSpades won't work, as (for some reason) the "And" isn't capitalized http://www.archive.org/details/JamesMcKentyandTheSpades while the "The" is. Aloha, Brad
  3. The jambase listing of UM dates doesn't currently have anything past April 12. Aloha, Brad
  4. Despite it being a Tuesday, this might be a good thing to trip down from Ottawa for...heck, I could come down the day before and catch Sisters Euclid... Aloha, Brad
  5. One more, just for completness' sake: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonium_%28band%29 Aloha, Brad
  6. http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&searchlink=HARMONIUM&sql=11:1kq3g4sttv8z~T1 Aloha, Brad
  7. You mean the way http://www.archive.org/details/nero has a Browse by year link? Aloha, Brad
  8. http://www.archive.org/about/faqs.php#249 Aloha, Brad
  9. If you go to http://www.archive.org/details/TheDecemberists and click on "See policy notes", you'll see that they've opted out of having MP3 files created for uploaded shows. Since MP3 files are what gets streamed, no MP3 files = no streamed shows. Aloha, Brad
  10. There was a front-page Ottawa XPress article on Oni back in December, written by our very own kitkat. Aloha, Brad
  11. I use Azureus, and I just selected a torrent that I'm seeding, and right-clicked, which brought up a menu of stuff to do to/with that torrent. In the "Advanced" menu, there's a "File" sub-menu, which has an option to "Move Data Files." (It was grayed out, which I'm guessing is because I hadn't done a "Stop" (also from the right-click menu) on it.) If your client is similar, what you could do is shut down your client, put the files back where they were, then re-start, and use the "Move Data Files" to put them (back) where you wanted them moved to. Aloha, Brad
  12. I think the coloured jersey represents a "stronger" identity, and is more distinctive than just the plain(er) white jersey(s). Aloha, Brad
  13. Not necessarily. Not all who view a topic click on every clickable thing in the topic's posts. Aloha, Brad
  14. I always thought it was more of favour to the visiting team: because they're from out of town (and thus will likely have fewer fans), they get to wear the fully coloured jerseys. Aloha, Brad
  15. Corrected. Thanks, guigsy. Aloha, Brad
  16. The Tragically Slip? Aloha, Brad
  17. I think it was the bridge to "Hey You": "But it was only fantasy / The wall was too high / As you can see". Aloha, Brad
  18. Pffft. Daddy or not' date=' I can still put you over my knee for a good spanking, little guy. [/quote'] Two tickets in the tapers' section, please. I want to get the mics positioned just so to get the pathetic strained, "Thank you sir! May I have another?" squeals and squawks. Aloha, Brad
  19. I'll bet on "and." http://www.schoolhouserock.tv/Conjunction.html Aloha, Brad
  20. The main ones as far as I'm concerned are: Mavericks Cafe Dekcuf (which is upstairs from Mavericks, and run by the same people) Babylon Barrymore's Music Hall The Rainbow Zaphod Beeblebrox I rely on Ottawa XPress, a free weekly entertainment newspaper (which comes out on Thursdays) for a lot of my show info. The paper version has ads from most of the main music venues, and the on-line version has a nice music calendar (including artist and venue info). If you make it out to JSB, come on up and (re-)introduce yourself; I remember StoneMtn introducing you, but (like a lot of things from the weekend) it didn't really register. (I'll be the guy by the metal poles recording the show.) Aloha, Brad
  21. "Broken Parts" and "10 12 or 20" work OK, but "Life on Standby" doesn't seem to load. Any chance you'll put up some live recordings (hint, hint )? Aloha, Brad
  22. According to http://www.jambase.com/headsup.asp?storyID=9761 Aloha, Brad
  23. What accommodation recommendations are there for people coming in from out of town? I might be able to scrounge a ride for the Saturday show, but I and my ride would need a place to stay for the night. Aloha, Brad
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