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Everything posted by celticwolfsun

  1. FACT: National fun day runs until 12:05 it's that much fun
  2. wow! oh wow! is right!! oh my god what a fantastic thing to overhear hahahahaha
  3. wow that's either a man... wait for it.. man.. lol or an old lady who's kinda got it going on body wise..
  4. I usually feel like that in the winter.. for sure.. I think my trip in early january helped it though.. but hey we're in february now.. so this winter craps almost over kinda.. I just think of camping and hiking and the smell of flowers and grass big hugs to ya cully and others no worries.. I felt kinda junky on Christmas day but just think Spring is coming!!
  5. that counts! it's not over til midnight!
  6. Happy Groundhog day tomorrow skanks!! What do you think he's gonna say I'm thinking more winter but I hope not!!
  7. The 1st annual National Fun Day was today.. which involves calling into work due to weather on a friday and having an extraordinary day! Day's not over people!! The penalty for not celebrating national fun day is.... Death!! (not very fun is it?? but the exact opposite of fun!) Slowco tomorrow/Groundhog day!!
  8. I would come to the hamilton show if I wasn't working the next day... in ingersol
  9. I'd say Bear.. . not koala.. Panda's I have a feeling can be pretty nasty.. but not against a gorilla... hmmmm I know there used to be this show on discovery or something.. and it had simulated animal fights.. like a Shark vs a salt water crocodile.. and the shark won only because the crocodile had to go back up for air. There was another one I think a Lion vs Tiger or something.... But anyways.. I think i'd go with the Bear.. also because they would bite more..
  10. awwww Sarah your not makin it out for the toronto show??
  11. I'm happy for ya mama! Hope to see ya for Brunch or something on Sunday
  12. awww I can't make the send off show... but have a great time out west guys! safe travels!!
  13. Drop Dead Fred did suck it big time!! I watched it when it first came out.. and thought it sucked.. then gave it another chance years later after appreciating Rik Mayall's comic genius in Young Ones and Bottom and still... thumbs down!!! I first was obsessed with the young ones.. then I found bottom.. I LOVE BOTTOM!!! oh and Adrian Edmonson is sooo great as vivian... and Eddie Hitler!!
  14. if I can't make it to albany.. which I'm thinking (I'm on afternoons this week so can't hit up buffalo) I really really hope they play the ottawa blues fest again!
  15. anyone hitting up any of the sticks and stones tour??
  16. holy Hell that's an amazing festival!!!
  17. It's such a weird show.. but totally worth watching... if you like this.. then check these out..: The Young Ones Bottom Peep Show
  18. Slowcoaster next Saturday!!!! Who's ready?? I know I am!!!
  19. carrie's birthday??? Oh man this is gonna be a SUPERBLY SILLY NIGHT and will end up being ridonkulous
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