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Everything posted by LJFH

  1. Happy Birthday you big lug. Nub ya!
  2. Happy birthday lady! It's a pleasure having you as a friend. Let's go dancing soon.
  3. I'm moving my son into his new apartment on December 1st. I only have to move a couch, a mattress and various bed parts from my place to his new place...about 15 minutes away. I don't want to rent a truck for only about 1/2 hour...does anyone have a pickup or van that I could use? Gas will be provided! send me a pm if you do. THANKS in advance
  4. Oh how I love my grunky nynners.
  5. Thanks everyone! I had a great birthday!!!
  6. I got the book for my birthday!!! can't wait to read it.
  7. LJFH

    Happy Birthday

    To those of you that knew him today was the birthday of a very special friend to many of us. And on this day I always have a beer, a cheers and remember all the good things about Mr. Hood. Cheers babe, miss ya!
  8. Oh man, her tits were like THIS big.
  9. I can smell the smoke burning from you guys trying to come up with a good reply. hehehe! NUBS
  10. Just like your women after living with you and Boochie for too long. ZIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!
  11. Nah, he's UUUUUUUUUUUUGHLY!!! but thanks for the suggestions.
  12. Again, I love you guys. Bastards. and no, not an ex.
  13. Go to the Dominion any weekend. Big burly scottish guy named Rob. ALWAYS wears shorts. No matter how cold.
  14. Ah MOOOSIE! If I had known you were in, I woulda said for sure. let's try next week!!
  15. You guys are USELESS...I'm going to put on my BOOTS and kick your A$$es!!
  16. You guys really have nothing better to do with your day do you?
  17. hahahahahahahahha! I'd be thinking twice again before I wrote that you and andre "crossed streams". People might get the wrong idea.
  18. r u speaking in general or because I'm going?
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