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Everything posted by LJFH

  1. LJFH

    East Coastlog

    I want to go home now!!!!!!!! Don't forget to go to MaryAnne Falls...when you get to Ingonish....there is a little road off the highway on the left. It goes up into the woods for about 15 minutes or so...when you get there....beautiful swimming holes....three tiers of waterfall and at teh bottom of each a crystal clear pool of water. Lots of place to jump from, a nice "whirlpool" and a rock slide... If you can't find it...ask a local. You WON'T regret it.
  2. Mary was his wife.... are you sure you're not talking about Gertrude Stein?
  3. I'll just take it when your grunk ........
  4. sweetie I know all about lines. and right now I'm drawing it!
  5. Hi WS......sorry bout the hijack. Love the pics of the east coast.....how long were you down there for? We're you with Bryson and April?
  6. Davey, you're crusing for a brusing. And not in a nice way. ;-)
  7. well, I didn't forget....I just got sidetracked by Mr. Adams.
  8. This song makes my toes tingle.
  9. happy anniversary you two! It's a pleasure having you in my life. Hope you celebrated with much debauchery!
  10. thanks everyone, I think it's prolly good now! and now I get to sing that song all day!!!
  11. thanks moe.ron...that's just across the street, I'll see if they have some.
  12. I forgot about "dick in a box" hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  13. AAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh booze store boxes....I forgot about those. I've used those many times. thanks for the info. and brad, we might just...can I call ya tomorrow in case we do?
  14. I was waiting for either a MarcO, BOOCHE or Davey Boy to pipe in with their clever wit. ;-)
  15. I'm moving tomorrow and need some extra boxes but don't want to pay for them, since they are only cardboard. Any good ideas as to where to find them?
  16. baby steppin on the elevator, baby steppin.... baby steps, on the bus, baby steps... That movie Kills me.
  17. I love Abby.........at least she wasn't doing what she usually does to the hose. ;-)
  18. I CAN'T STOP laughing at this one. OUCH
  19. no, I got exactly what DB was implying. I was just playing along for fun.
  20. yes. I have to do actual work sometimes. ;-)
  21. dude, there is a bevy a good lookin chicks here...I think that was the plan. ;-)
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