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Everything posted by LJFH

  1. Dude, that's why they keep me. ;-0
  2. LJFH

    I LOVE

    Poor Hux is going to be so crushed that you dumped him.
  3. LJFH

    I LOVE

    It's not my fault you're jealous.
  4. LJFH

    I LOVE

    yeah, we liked the ebb and flow. ;-)
  5. I CAN"T HEAR IT. My work blocks my space pages as they are considered "dating" pages? ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
  6. LJFH

    I LOVE

    my new avatar. Ryan makes me melty. that is all.
  7. Hey B, I tried to email that addy a couple of times but it keeps bouncing back.
  8. LJFH

    Ryan Adams

    Just learned RA is a Scorpio just like me......... no wonder he facking rocks.
  9. So, Saturday night showed up to watch Giggles and his terrific band play great tunes. WHERE WAS EVERYONE ELSE??????????? You all missed out on seeing an old friend and hearing some GREAT music.
  10. GET DRUNK. EAT. GO FOR A BIG LONG WALK in that order. or in reverse. hehe
  11. LJFH

    Ryan Adams

    Maybe Geoff can remember what the other song was that got it really rocking after. I think it had something to do with "margaritaville". ??
  12. I have a bunch of clothes that my son no longer wears. He's a big kid...so he wears men's sizes..size 30-32 pants, and medium or large shirts. There's a bunch of stuff just sitting around my place. As well as a winter and possibly fall coat. And shoes. Let me know how to get in touch with him. Even if he needs a place to crash dude. Jods
  13. LJFH

    Ryan Adams

    Yeah, we did that last night. ;-)
  14. LJFH

    Ryan Adams

    I've listened to "wonderwall" 8 times this morning already. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......
  15. Totally agree. THAT WAS A SUPER FUN TIME. I drove into ottawa in pitch black, got sorta lost, got straightened out, got to Spruce street, had beers and enjoyed the mayhem. Then onto Radiohead. WHEEEEEEEE
  16. nah, I'm going tonight with some folks, gonna try and keep the vacation feeling going by going out each evening to do something fun.
  17. the short term forecast says this eveing is supposed to be mainly clear to clear. Stupid Weather Network... ;-)
  18. Ottawa Folk Festival at 9:30 or something?
  19. LJFH


    Next time I see Low Roller I'm going to go to the dollar store first and buy some fake spiders. Much hilarity will follow. hehe.
  20. Happy Birthday Dave. Thanks for remembering me and not calling me Tika....like some people I know. Sheesh. ;-) Glad I know ya.
  21. Sorry Geoff, let the cat out of the bag. Davey, all you're getting for your birthday from me is a lump of coal. hehe. and no, no drug test.
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