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Everything posted by LJFH

  1. My office is looking for someone to work in an administrative role supporting managers etc for a one year maternity contract. If you know anyone that might be interested, please send me a PM. Thanks
  2. NEW SHOW ON GLOBAL NETWORK IS CASTING! Is your husband sleeping with his blackberry under his pillow every night? Does your family have a strong craving for sugar? Does your friend only purchase designer clothes? Is your child obsessed with playing video games? Do you wonder if they could live without it? Well here’s the answer… CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT, a new TV series for Global Network, can help you empower your friend or family to give up that one thing they just can’t live without! Each week our experts will team up to help a new person confront their dependency and challenge them to live without it for 7 days. So go ahead and ask yourself or someone you know…CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT? Tell us what you Can’t Live Without! Send your story and photo to: cylw@triconfilms.com
  3. 13. Be harrassed by self-righteous know it all who goes by the name "Booche" at every opportunity. ;-) *wincing at anticipated scorching rebuttal from Boochie.........NUB YOOUUUUU! But couldn't resist*
  4. something fun for the downtownites to do for free on a nice friday or saturday evening. Sit in the park and watch a good flick. Centertown Movies
  5. you got it Booche! I love my margie!!!
  6. Happy "BEEP"day shuffle monster! Hope it's a good one!! Yoda
  7. maybe on sunday!!! wanna see the slip.
  8. Lynners and I are the ticket bitches, didn't you know that already?
  9. Tungsten, I SOOO love your avatar. I Love that movie. heheh
  10. I don't have access to facebook at work.
  11. How come I can't see pics on the skank? anyone anyone? bueller buller?
  12. yeah, I know. that's why I'm lookin for a rideski.
  13. On a sailboat eating fancy cheese and drinking beers. hehehe! Oh wait, that was yesterday.
  14. I might possibly need a drive to Peterborough or Belleville...somewhere 1/2 way. Anyone heading out on Friday afternoon/evening?
  15. Boochie, you just entered a world of pain babe. ;-)
  16. I specially enjoyed the wine bottle.
  17. Is there a website that you know of?
  18. A friend and I are planning to canoe/camp on a lake somewhere around Ottawa this coming weekend. I know about the usual (Gatineau Park) and Lake La Peche, but haven't been to any myself. Does anyone know of a good place or have good ideas for me as to where to go?
  19. Large Marge rocks the party!!!!!!! Lady, it was an absolute freakin pleasure to hang out with your fantastic ass this weekend. My tummy still hurts from laughing. subliminal message "MOVE TO OTTAWA" Jodie
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