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Everything posted by LJFH

  1. Happy Birthday Lady!!!
  2. has anyone been canoe camping here before? I'm going next weekend and would love to know what it's like before I head out. Pros...cons?
  3. Sheep go to heaven, Goats go to hell! ALLLRIIGHT! I can't wait for this!!!
  4. LJFH

    Radiohead Tour 2008

    51 days and counting!
  5. Ms. Hux's was freaking awesome...and potent. We did the test batch had Myrna's and were smashed in no time. Good stuff.
  6. LJFH


    I promise I'll be careful. ;-)
  7. LJFH


    I love kijiji. I found a 16.5 ft one for $250...cause it has a small crack....which I know how to fix. (it's fiberglass). I offered him $185. Got it for $190. WHOHOO!!!!!
  8. LJFH


    I'm wondering where I can get a decent one for a reasonable price. Anyone got any suggestions? Less than $500 is what I want to spend.
  9. LJFH

    puppy name help

    I really like Banjo... Chili Mugs Linus Bug Iggy Snoots
  10. Yay guys! That's terrific news!!!
  11. LJFH

    Radiohead Tour 2008

    So pretty!!! I can't stop listening!
  13. LJFH

    QOTD - Dream Job

    World traveller for TV show. Like the guy Ian from Lonely Planet. BEST JOB EVER!!!! Either that, or something where I get to work with Cetaceans.
  14. LJFH

    Music and Math

    I just learned that the other day!
  15. I get bored at work and write stuff. hehehe.
  16. *set to typical blues rythym When I woke up this morning, didn't wanna get outta bed though maybe I could call in sick or maybe even dead.... I got the Tuesday morning blues......whoa whoa whoa the Tuesday morning blues wondering why it can't be Saturday...... what am I supposed to doooooooooo...... ya ya yaaaaaaaa....
  17. Did you guys put it up on Craigslist?
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