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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. before you make your final decision, take the names you have, and say each one over and over and over for about 1 min straight. then try yellin em out at the top of your lungs a few times. if you're not sick of it, and if you wouldn't mind screamin it in public , pick it. and maybe think about possible rhymes you might want to avoid. for example, my dog darius, is hilarious. (i've since aborted the word hilarious from my vocabulary when describing my dog)

  2. hey smoothy, don't let the newness of the mac OS and the "i aldready know tons about pc's" thing keep you off the mac train. they're wicked. i'll never buy another pc ever again. sure i can get a kick as laptop from dell for 1-1.5G's but i'll spend the extra coin to never have to worry about anything or put any bullspit geek effort into downloading codecs and drivers and this thingamajiggy and that the way i do with my pc now.

    have you ever seen new mod furniture that is sleek and sexy and COMPLETELY functional in every way? there's nothing there that doesn't need to be there and it still is amazing and looks great? if a mac were furniture, that's what kind a mac would be. hell, when jay and i lived together the mac we had looked like art with a keyboard on our coffee table.

  3. i met this cool cat at slammin jack after keller on friday named william i think (not smoothedshredder) he was friends with hal johnson and his crew. he'd just quit smokin 3 weeks ago and had the BEST attitude towards it. he was SOO HAPPY he was quitting smoking. was looking forward to all the shit that comes with not smoking. i don't know whether he really felt that way or was trying to trick himself, but it was AWESOME. I think saying things like "i can't smoke...booo..i'm quitting smoking this sucks" and sulking only sets one up for failure.

  4. too bad no one showed up to these shows, i doubt we'll see these boys up here again or in the near future at least. but what can i say, i didn't go either.

    i suppose things like this present a bit of an issue. do you go to see the american bands that come up here even though they don't really make you lose your shit to support foreign acts so that more will come OR do you let your taste decide what you will and won't see. dilemas dilemas

  5. how about health care? how about the criminal justice system? ..... how about higher education? how about immigration?

    I believe Bouche answered those questions when he said "thou shalt get better services if you're rich"

    Harper will fix immigration' date=' that's for sure: "Are you white? Welcome to Canada. No? Get out!" [/quote']

    biggest eye roll ever

    it surprises me to see a bunch of happy go lucky hippies being so god damn pesamistic

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