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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. I used to be Stoned Phillips, in case anyone was wondering/cared.
  2. Please tell him I got him the Judas Priest tickets he requested for tomorrow (I know he was trying desperately to purchase some and I would hate for him to waste a huge sum of $$ when I got him FREE tix!) and to contact me ASAP.. julia.mcallister@rci.rogers.com Thanks!
  3. A friend of mine bought these tickets and, as it turns out, he can't use them, so he gave them to me. Turns out, I can't use them either. So, if anyone wants 'em, email me...gotta pick 'em up before 6 @ 1 Mount Pleasant or after 6 pm near High Park. Patchoulia@gmail.com I read in the Star that this show was already almost sold out at press time...I guess folks anticipate a good show.
  4. Wow. Just wow. Those pictures are amazing! As much I think that size of fest would be way overwhelming for me, those pics gave me goosebumps. "Canadian rock singer Neil Young..." hehe
  5. I thought MJ sold that catalogue in the mid-90s? Perhaps I'm misremembering...
  6. And if you don't want to sit with us, I have 2 other tickets I can't seem to give away for tonight... 2nd row, 3rd base line
  7. I interpret this as Basher in the bathroom fluffing..but not the song..?
  8. The first 10 times I heard it, I wanted to meet it by the bike racks after school and kick the shit out of it...but now, I dig it... And I resent it completely.
  9. Andre, have you considered submitting to FML (fmylife.com)?
  10. Who here doesn't believe Trey has Inspector Gadget arms? I, for one, am pretty sure he does, in fact, possess these. Along with the ability to fart rainbows, fly above the clouds and whip up a mean denver omellette.
  11. That site sorta makes me wanna run out and get Pierre Trudeau--naked--and with a rainbow coming out his ass--tattooed on my back. Yes/no?
  12. I haven't done anything stupid (yet) today but I am happy to share a few Basher stupidity stories from the past that might succeed in amusing Andre, however briefly. 1. One day a few months ago, we got in the car to head to work...we had been driving for a few minutes when he suddenly declared, "I'm not wearing my glasses." Yeah, he needs those to drive..not to mention see... 2. One day last week, he grabbed his laptop bag and hurried out the door. It was only when he arrived at work that he realized that he had neglected to put his laptop in the bag. You're welcome!
  13. http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/ex-wilco-member-jay-bennett-died-of-overdose-1003986858.story "Authorities say former Wilco guitarist Jay Bennett died of an overdose of the pain killer, and that they're investigating his death as an accident. Champaign County Coroner Duane Northrup says tests show the 45-year-old musician died from fentanyl. The drug is found in patches commonly prescribed to treat chronic pain."
  14. The new iphone came out today...the 3G S.
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